Marwari College Ranchi Faculty

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Marwari College Ranchi Faculty Details

Head & Dean
Dr.R. R Sharma
Departnment of Commerce
Asst. Professor(C)
Anuranjna Sangeeta Minz
Departnment of Arts
Asst. Professor(C)
Archana Kumari
Departnment of Arts
Asst. Professor(C)
Dr. Jitu Lal Kumar
Departnment of Arts
Asst. Professor
Dr.Suniti Nayak
Departnment of Arts
Associate Professor (HoD)
Dr.(Mrs.)Agatha Sylvia Khalkho
Departnment of Science
Asst. Professor
Prof Shivnandan Ram
Departnment of Science
Asst. Professor (HoD)
Major Dr. Maheshwar Sarangi
Departnment of MA
Asst. Professor
Manoj Kachhap
Departnment of MA
Asst. Professor (HoD)
Dr.Daisy Sinha
Departnment of MA in Fashion Design

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Dr.R. R Sharma
Head & Dean , Departnment of Commerce
Anuranjna Sangeeta Minz
Asst. Professor(C) , Departnment of Arts
Archana Kumari
Asst. Professor(C) , Departnment of Arts
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