For one academic year(15th June' 22 -30th April' 23) payable in advance: Rs. 60,000
Mess Charges (Payable in advance while check in): (15th June' 22 - 30th April' 23)): Rs. 40,000
Security Deposit (Refundable): Rs. 10,000
Boarding & Lodging Details:
AC Rooms on twin sharing basis (As per availability).
Each student is provided with bed, cupboard, writing desk, chair and electrical fitments including water heaters. Furnishings are to be arranged by the student(s).
Hostel to be vacated by 6th May or within 7 days of last day of examination whichever is later. In case a student is desirous of continual staty, hostel fee for two month @ Rs. 16,000/- is payable by 30th April.
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JK Business School Gurgaon Hostel For Male
The facilities are as same as above
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