Kamal Review at University Of Waterloo [UWATERLOO], Waterloo | Collegedunia

UWaterloo honest review

5.0 /10

The reason I have chosen this college was that it had a co-op program. It was also one of the only schools to offer both an arts and business program. I wanted to study social sciences; however, I also wanted to study the business side of things. The University of Waterloo let me do exactly that.

Course Curriculum :

It needs to be modified. There are things that we are learning for the sake of learning them. When I sit in my business classes, I feel that I am getting something out of it. With my social science classes, things are outdated and irrelevant. I also don't think lectures are effective.

Internship :

Yes. Every 4 months you are either on a school term or a work term. You do at least 5 work terms. You have to find your own jobs through the use of the school's job portal or you can apply it on your own.

Fees :

We have to pay for tuition, faculty endowment fees, coop fees, dental and insurance fees, public transit fees, student union fees.

Examination Structure :

Exams are usually spread out a couple of times a semester. Eg. I usually have 3 midterms throughout the term before I write a final for each class. Exams tend to be mostly multiple choice; however, there could be other forms of evaluations.

Faculty :

The faculty is great. They could do a better job trying to figure out what students want in order to succeed. For example, my faculty could help us find more art/ business jobs to fill our internships.

Hostel :

I lived off campus. This was the best for me as I was able to make friends on my own will. I also was able to cook myself which saved me a lot of money. I found a place that housed the least people as possible. So, I live with 1 other roommate.

5.0 out of 10
4.0/10Social Life