IIM Calcutta PG Diploma Business Analytics: Fees 2025, Course Duration, Dates, Eligibility

Kolkata, West BengalAutonomous UniversityEstd 1961
#3 For MBA By Collegedunia 2024  
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Post Graduate Diploma in Business Analytics 
total fees:  ₹25,00,000
2 Years Full Time
(Based on 7.3K views last year)
1757 Students have shown interest in the last 30 days
Total Fees (2024 - 2025)₹25 Lakhs

IIM Calcutta Post Graduate Diploma in Business Analytics Ranking

IIM Calcutta Management ranking by Collegedunia.com is 3 out of 608 in India in 2024. IIM Calcutta Management ranking by Outlook is 3 out of 25 in India in 2024 and it was ranked 3 out of 24 in India in 2023. IIM Calcutta Management ranking by Financial Times is 67 out of 100 in International in 2024 and it was ranked 76 out of 100 in International in 2023

Collegedunia Ranking

#3 out of 608 in India 2024 
#1st in Kolkata

Outlook Ranking

Financial Times Ranking

#67 out of 100 in International 2024

IIRF Ranking

#3 out of 46 in India 2024 
#1st in West Bengal

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Course Details

IIM Calcutta PGDBA (Post Graduate Diploma in Business Analytics) is a 2-Year, Full-time program jointly offered by IIM Calcutta, IIT Kharagpur and ISI Kolkata. Candidates with a Bachelor’s Degree and Valid PGDBA Scores are eligible to apply for the program. IIM Calcutta PGDBA fees is INR 25,00,000.

Course Name Post Graduate Diploma in Business Analytics
Intake 65
Fees INR 25,00,000
Duration 2 Years
Selection Criteria
  • Graduate / Postgraduate Degree (10 + 2 + 4 or 10 + 2 + 5 or 10 + 2 + 3 + 2) with 60% marks or CGPA 6.5
  • 55% Marks or CGPA 6.0 for SC / ST / PwD Categories
  • Students in their Final Year of Graduation
Admission Criteria PGDBA Scores + Work Experience + Personal Interview + Academic Scores
Scholarships Offered Need based Financial Assistance

IIM Calcutta PGDBA Important Dates 2024

Application Starts On January 05, 2024
Application Deadline February 10, 2024
PGDBA Computer Based Test March 17, 2024
Result Publication of PGDBA CBT April 03 - 04, 2024
Interview (Stage-II) Call Intimation through Admission Portal April 11, 2024
Personal Interview Round  April 27 - 28, 2024
Announcemnet of Merit List based on PI results May 14, 2024
Formal Registration with PGDBA Program July 10, 2024

IIM Calcutta PGDBA Admission Process

  • Candidates are Shortlisted based on their valid PGDBA Scores for Personal Interview (PI) Round.
  • Final Selection is based on Candidate's Overall Performance in PI, PGDBA Scores, Work Experience and Academic Scores.

Weightage for Final Merit List is as follows:

Component Weightage
PGDBA Score 45
Personal Interview 40
Class 12 Marks 8
Work Experience 7

Class 12 Marks are calculated based on:

Points for Class XII/ Engineering Diploma Results
Marks (y in %) CGPA$(c) Points
y > 95 c > 9.5 8
90 < y <=95 9.0 < c <=9.5 7
85 < y <=90 8.5 < c <=9.0 6
80 < y <=85 8.0 < c <=8.5 5
75 < y <=80 7.5 < c <=8.0 4
70 < y <=75 7.0 < c <=7.5 3
65 < y <=70 6.5 < c <=7.0 2
60 <= y <=65 6.0 <= c <=6.5 1
y < 60 c < 6.0 0

Note: Engineering Diploma Results will be considered only for those candidates who have done Engineering Diploma after Class X.

Work Experience is calculated based on:

Months Points
x > 60 1
48 < x <=60 3
36 < x <=48 5
24 < x <=36 7
12 < x <=24 5
6 < x <=12 3
0 < x <=6 1
x = 0 0

IIM Calcutta PGDBA Cutoff

Category Cutoff marks for PI (2023) Cutoff marks for PI (2022)
Open 105 92
Nc - OBC 94 82
Sc / ST / PWD 70 61

Check Here IIM Calcutta Cut off

IIM Calcutta PGDBA Admission Test

The Duration of the Test is 3 Hours. The Test will have a total of 50 Questions carrying 150 Marks. Each Question will be a Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) and will have only 1 Correct Answer:

Section Name Number of Questions Total Marks
Verbal Ability 15 45
Data Interpretation and Data Visualization 5 15
Logical Reasoning 5 15
Quantitative Ability 25 75
Total 50 150

The marking scheme remained the same as last year with a reward of 3 marks for each correct attempt and a penalty of 1 mark for each incorrect answer. Overall the PGDBA Paper could be labeled as medium difficulty and a score of around 105-110 should be sufficient to get a call. The section-wise analysis of the PGDBA Exam is given below:

Verbal Ability 

The Verbal Ability section of the PGDBA Paper basically consists of 3 types of questions:

  • Reading Comprehension
  • Parajumbles
  • Grammar

The Reading Comprehension subsection consisted of 2 short passages. One of the passages - on “In-house Workforce” - was quite difficult since the questions asked were primarily inference based. In contrast to this, the second passage on “Social and Economic Issues in Latin American countries” was quite straightforward with direct questions.

There were 3 Parajumbles asked in the paper out of which 2 were very doable. The third parajumbles was more challenging and may lead to incorrect attempts. The grammar questions were slightly tricky due to the vocabulary used but were still doable. A good attempt would require at least 10-12 Questions to be answered correctly.

Data Interpretation and Data Visualization 

IIM Calcutta PGDBA exam tested candidates with 5 separate questions with 1 graph/chart each instead of 1 set with 5 questions. This would make the section slightly more time consuming but also meant that you would not have to give up on the section if you were unable to solve the set. The questions in the section were fairly straightforward and not calculation-intensive. All 5 questions were solvable within 10-15 minutes.

Logical Reasoning

Logical Reasoning was different from the Data Interpretation section in the sense that it constituted 1 set with 5 Questions instead of 5 stand-alone questions. The set was slightly tricky but still doable. The students are required to solve the set (5 Questions) in 10-15 minutes.

Quantitative Aptitude 

The Quantitative Aptitude section is the section with the highest weightage in the PGDBA Exam with 25 questions. Almost all the topics in the PGDBA Exam Syllabus were tested in the exam with the highest concentration being in Algebra and Higher Mathematics. The section could be termed as moderate-difficulty in terms of level of difficulty. The ideal strategy to maximize your marks would be to attempt questions apart from Higher Maths first and then attempt as many of the Higher Maths questions. This should allow a good student to attempt 17-18 questions

IIM Calcutta PGDBA Test Centres

The PGDBA Admission test will be conducted in Agra, Ahmedabad, Aligarh, Amritsar, Bengaluru, Chandigarh, Chennai, Coimbatore, Dehradun, Dhanbad, Guwahati, Gwalior, Hyderabad, Indore, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Kolkata, Lucknow, Nagpur, Nashik, Noida, Patna, Prayagraj, Pune, Raipur, Siliguri, Tezpur, Trivandrum, Vadodara, Visakhapatnam

IIM Calcutta PGDBA Admission: How to Apply?

Candidates Interested in applying to the PGDBA program can visit the official website of IIT Kharagpur to apply for the same. To fill the application form for PGDBA, check the steps below:

  1. Check for the PGDBA 2024 link present in the news section on the right side of the website.
  2. Click on how to apply. There is a click here to apply online on the new page after clicking on how to apply gets directed. Click on it.
  3. Register as a new applicant.
  4. Login into the account using the details of the user id and password.
  5. The application form will appear. Fill in all the details.
  6. Submit the form online.
  7. Pay the application fee of INR 2500/- for General / OBC Candidates and INR 1250/- for EWS / SC / ST / PwD Candidates.


Ques. What is the admission cycle of the IIM Calcutta PGDBA Course?

Ans. The Post Graduate Diploma in Business Analytics (PGDBA) Course is jointly offered by IIM Calcutta, IIT Kharagpur, and ISI Calcutta. The PGDBA Application form window is open between January 25 and March 2, 2023.

Ques. What is a PGDBA Course at IIM Calcutta?

Ans. The PGDBA Course is yet another promising business analytics program from IIM Calcutta and partner institutions ISI and IIT Kharagpur. The objective of the PGDBA Course is to train the students to become business analytics professionals who will be employable in the industry. Apart from the analytics aspects, the students will also be given a brief idea about all the different management functions (Marketing, Finance, HR and Operations) during the PGDBA Course. This will allow them to work in any function of any organization.

Ques. Does Accenture hire the students of the PGDBA Course at IIM Calcutta?

Ans. During the placement for the graduating batch 2022, Accenture has been one of the prime recruiters who participated in the recruitment drive. Some more leading recruiters included Microsoft, Flipkart, Barclays, JP Morgan Chase, American Express, Deloitte, McKinsey etc.

Ques. Who conducts the entrance exam for PGDBA Admissions at IIM Calcutta?

Ans. IIM Calcutta, IIT Kharagpur and ISI jointly conduct the written test for the Post Graduate Diploma in Business Analytics (PGDBA) course at IIM Calcutta campus. PGDBA Entrance Exam is held in online (CBT) mode and the eligibility criteria for the students is a score of 60% marks in the graduation or post-graduation qualifying degree.

Ques. In which cities do Personal Interviews for PGDBA Admission shortlisting take place.?

Ans. The Personal Interview for PGDBA admissions at IIM Calcutta can take place in major cities such as Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi and Bangalore. Moreover, the PI rounds for PGDBA Admission shortlisting have been organized online due to the Pandemic outbreak.

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Post Graduate Diploma in Business Analytics Comparison

IIM Calcutta
Reviews Rating
Cost To Study
Total Fees
25 Lakhs (2 Years )
Hostel Fees
# Ranked 1/272 by India Today Management Ranks
Highest Salary₹12000000
Average Salary₹3507000
General Course Details
Duration - 2 Years
Course Offered - Full Time
Total Seats - 62
Mode - Full Time
Degree Type - On Campus
Course Level - Post Graduation
Course Credential - Diploma

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IIM Calcutta: 1 Answered Question

How much does the Work experience, test score, other factors matter for admission in PGDBA course hosted by universities IIT Kgp, IIM C , ISI Kolkata?

Dhrishti Tuli

The section-wise weightage for final PGDBA shortlisting is not revealed by these colleges. They analyze all these aspects and a candidate’s interview when putting out the final offer. The interview helps them assess what a candidate brings to the table. Even if they start announcing the section-wise weightages some day, that should not affect your test preparation. Your work experience and past academic record are unchangeable factors, but your entrance test score is in your hands. 

Study for the entrance exam with utmost sincerity, and stop worrying about other aspects of your profile that you can not change.

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IIM Calcutta Latest News

Life at IIM Calcutta

Written ByMayank Badhwaron Mar 22, 2023
Life at IIM Calcutta

IIM Calcutta Important Dates

Written ByMayank Badhwaron Mar 22, 2023
IIM Calcutta Important Dates

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