Ph.D (English) (Part Time) From Amity University Gwalior, Gwalior

Gwalior, Madhya PradeshPrivate UniversityEstd 2010
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Ph.D (English) 
total fees:  ₹90,000
4 YearsPart Time
Very Popular
(Based on 70k views last year)
5,673 students shown interest in the last 30 days
159 students applied in the last 30 days
Total Fees₹90,000

View Previous Year Fees

Yearsyear 1year 2year 3year 4
Total Year Wise fees42,00042,00042,00042,000
Total Fees₹21000₹21000₹21000₹21000₹21000₹21000₹21000₹21000
Tuition fees₹21000₹21000₹21000₹21000₹21000₹21000₹21000₹21000

Eligibility Criteria

Aspirants seeking admission to the program must fulfill following Criteria:-

Academic Requirement:

The minimum qualification for admission to Ph.D. Programme shall be a Master's Degree in the relevant field with a minimum of 55% marks or equivalent grade.

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