Students do fail in internals if didn't performed well. The bad aspects of my course is it requires a bundle of soft skills which is very different for an introvert and a good aspect about MBA is tha it's more practical course it's not based on study and study . In a year there are total 18 exams including viva and external exams. The teaching method of the every teacher is different from other ,the practical subjects teacher example statistics teacher prefer smartboard marker to make students understand whereas the theoretical subject teacher teaches the lessons via ppt or pdf through smart board. The faculty that admires me the most is my coordinator, he's so supportive and understanding. The total no. Of classes in a day are 6 each of 50minutes and there's 30 minutes luch break . 75% attendance is mandatory for students in each subject as every teacher take their own attendance and if the student fail to acquire 75% attendance then his /her internal marks are deducted.
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