Anand Agricultural University Overall ranking by NIRF is 151 out of 200 colleges in India in 2023 and it was 96 out of 200 colleges in India in 2019. Anand Agricultural University Agriculture abcd ranking by NIRF is 18 out of 40 colleges in India in 2023.
Stream / Category | 2023 Ranking | 2019 Ranking |
Agriculture abcd | #18 out of 40 in India 2023 #1st in Gujarat | - |
Overall | #151 out of 200 in India 2023 #4th in Gujarat | #96 out of 200 in India 2019 #2nd in Gujarat |
Anand Agricultural University Overall ranking by National Institutional Ranking Framework Innovation is 4 out of 25 colleges in India in 2020.
Stream / Category | 2020 Ranking |
Overall | #4 out of 25 in India 2020 |
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