MNNIT Allhabad has two girls hostels. Students of B.Tech lives in Kamla Nehru Girla Hostel. The hostel is located in the colony area outside the Saraswati gate.
MNNIT hostels for girls are two-seater. Although the rooms aren’t very spacious, after a while you will get used to them. The washrooms are hygienic and cleaned regularly.
The mess food isn’t too bad. They offer 4 meals - breakfast, lunch, evening snacks, and dinner.
There is no wifi, but each room has LAN connection. Usually, there is one LAN port, so you will have to share it with your roommate.
The hostels are safe. There are security guards present at all times. The in-time for first-year girls is 8:30 pm while for second year onwards, the in-time is 9:30 pm. Extensions are given during fests.
Other than the inconvenience of a few lizards and insects, the hostel facilities are pretty good.
My younger sister just completed her first year in MNNIT. So I am quite aware of the situation here.
Let us discuss it so you get a better understanding of what you are up for. Most B.Tech students live in KNGH(Kamla Nehru Girls Hostel).
Overall, the hostel is a fun place to visit, and you will have a good time here. Give time to it and you will gradually get accustomed to the way of living.