Sir my gate score 630, ME general, any chance in IIT Bhubaneswar core mechanical department?

1 Answer

Ankush Mehta Posted On - Aug 14, 2020
Studied Mechanical Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay

Yes, there is a good chance that you will get a seat in IIT Bhubaneswar core mechanical department. In IIT Bhubaneswar, the selection is based on 70% weightage for the GATE score and 30% weightage for the performance in the Written Test and Interview. The department has 3 main branches i.e. Design, Thermal, and Manufacturing. The cutoff is most likely to be, Design>Thermal >Manufacturing in all IITs. As design seats get filled first, then thermal and then manufacturing.

There are 18 seats for both Mechanical Systems Design and Thermal Science and Engineering in IIT Bhubaneswar. The basic eligibility criteria are 60% marks in B. Tech./B. E. in Mechanical Engineering with a valid GATE score. Although cutoff changes every year for each branch but based on last year’s record, in 2020, the expected GATE cutoff for Mechanical System Design(GEN) is 595- 605 in IIT Bhubaneswar. So, yes there is a good possibility that you will make the cut.



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