How are girls hostels at NIT Hamirpur?

1 Answer

Pari Tripathi Posted On - Sep 13, 2023
Studied at National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur (2019)

Depending on your year, you’ll be allotted one of these hostels at NIT Hamirpur-

  • AGH- AGH is allotted to first and second year girls. This hostel has very spacious rooms. The rooms are really good in comparison to those at boys’ hostels. Each room is shared by three girls and divided into three sections, with curtains at the entrance. You’ll get two attached balconies, which you’ll share with the side rooms. The corridors are spacious and wide. AGH is located 1 km downhill from the academic block. Thus, the walk back and forth is quite exhausting. First year girls have to be back by 6 pm. In the 2nd year, this timing is extended to 8 pm.
  • PGH- You’ll be allotted PGH from 3rd year of your degree. Its rooms are very small. Monkeys and lizards are occasional visitors. Final year students, though not all, are allotted single rooms. It is comparatively closer to the academic block (closer by mere 100 meters). You won’t have to climb uphill as before. The hostel timing for 3rd and 4th year girls remains 8 pm.

Mrs. Awasthi is a bit strict as a warden, Mrs. Kaur is nice and helpful. You will be allotted either of them. The mess food is quite decent in both the girls’ hostels, much better than the boys’ hostels. 

Thus, overall, girls’ hostels at NIT Hamirpur are quite decent.



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