Can someone who has opted for a branch change in IIT Kanpur share their experience?

1 Answer

Pratik Parikh Posted On - Apr 24, 2023
Lives in Bangalore

My brother shared his branch change experience which wasn’t as difficult as people claim it to be. You did require more than average efforts and were challenging but not impossible. He was able to manage it by completing his assignments regularly and being focused in class. Your goal has to be to get a high CPI by being consistent with your studies.

At IIT Kanpur, you can either have a fun-filled college life experience or you can excel in academics, the choice is yours. It’s all about priorities. I know many nerds who worked day and night and eventually got CPI 10 after their first year. It’s all about your priorities. Basically, a 9+ CPI is not that difficult to achieve and a 10 requires some extra effort.

However, uncertainties always happen, and depending solely on branch change is not a wise decision.



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