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How many marks do I need on the GCET to get into Goa Engineering College?

Shruti Das Posted On : January 12th, 2021
B.Tech in Civil Engineering from Goa Engineering College (2019)

To get admission in GEC, you need to score marks above 70 in both mathematics and physics respectively. The cut off rank varies with branches and categories as well and the factors like competition, number of applications received, etc. also plays a big role in setting lower or higher cut off every year.

But a good rank under 200 will definitely help you grab a confirmed seat in one of your favorite branches of engineering in GEC. That’s the case when you are from the general category, if you are from any reserved category then the cut off rank might be lower for you. 

Here’s the list of cut off ranks which you need to have to get your dream branch - 

  • Rank under 150-200 will surely get you a seat in any branch in the first round itself.
  • A rank under 300 then you can apply for IT, ENE, ETC. 
  • Rank under 500 then you can go for civil branch.

So with the help of the list given above you can easily set your target score and prepare yourself to get into your preferred branches like Mechanical, Computer science, Electrical and others.

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What is the GCET rank required for Padre Conceicao College in Goa? Can I get into it if my rank is 600?

Angira Das Posted On : January 12th, 2021
Studied at Padre Conceicao College of Engineering (2019)

For getting admission in Padre Conceicao College of Engineering (PCCE) Goa, a GCET 600 Rank is enough. But making it to one of your dream branches will be tough for sure. There’s competition between candidates for getting admission in PCCE in their dream branches that are Mechanical and CE. 

The cut off rank for branches like Mechanical remains up to 350 in GCET, but you can go for branches like CE. You might not get in the first round but waiting till the second round will improve your chances to get in successfully. Mechanical and Computer Engineering are branches in which seats get filled soon due to high competition. But if you are comfortable with other branches, then don’t worry as you will get the admission for sure.

The other way of getting admission is through management quota, but you need to pay a good amount of money for this. So it is suggested that you can try for a branch like CE till the second and third round and if you still can’t make it due to the high cut off then go for other branches.

A rank under 300 is a good score if you want to get enrolled in your favorite branch, but as your rank is 600 then getting the dream branch is something not possible for you due to certain criteria followed by PCCE for aspiring engineering candidates.

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How have you have prepared for GCET?

Priyadarshini Sen Posted On : January 12th, 2021
BE in IT from G H Patel College of Engineering and Technology (2019)

For GCET (Goa Common Entrance Test) there’s nothing extra you need to do. The only section on which you need to focus is your board result and JEE Main score. Covering the whole syllabus of 12th and preparing for JEE main exams will help you secure a good score in GCET for sure.

In order to qualify for GCET, you must score under 5000 to get admission for sure. But in case you’re targeting a branch like Mechanical, Computer Science then you need a higher rank somewhere under 200. Apart from this, you can apply for other branches with a lower rank as well.

Follow tips and guidelines given by your mentors or seniors and do not attempt the questions in which you’re not fully sure. With the help of these simple tricks you can easily clear the GCET and get admission in any preferred branch.

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What is the GCET rank required to get into Goa Engineering College?

Deeksha Seth Posted On : January 12th, 2021
B.E Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Goa Engineering College (2019)

One of my friends completed his engineering in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering in 2017. As per his experience, the cut off range varies as per the branch you are opting for.

If your rank is under 130 then getting your desired branch in GEC in the first round itself is easy. But if your rank is under 150-250, then it all depends on your luck and level of competition which branch you’ll get.

So if you want to play safe then get the best score in GCET and grab the seat in one of your dream branches in GEC. 

For your help the list of cut off score (according to latest trends and competition) is mentioned below - 

  • If you have a rank under 80-100, you’ll surely get a seat in the CS branch in the first round itself.
  • In a rank under 300 you can apply for every branch other than CS which is out of your reach with this rank. Try to get in Mechanical or Electrical branch as you might manage to get a seat in the second round.
  • A rank under 700, will have you waiting till the third round and believe in your luck as it might get you a good branch. But with this rank you can still manage to get enrolled in other branches in GEC.

It is suggested that you should not lose hope and have patience till the last round. If getting admission in GEC is your only goal then it is also possible for you to get a good branch with lower rank as well as in case if the number of seats per class has been increased keeping in mind the number of applications.

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