Which college should I prefer for Finance: XIMB BM, IMT G or IMI Delhi?

1 Answer

Pinaki Dasgupta Posted On - Mar 3, 2023
Worked at Engineers India Limited

In choosing your B-school, the primary factors that you should consider are, the specialization you want to opt for and the ROI you are expecting. In your case, you want to go for Finance. The list of preferred B Schools you mentioned has similar fees and placements so I will be answering solely based on specialization.

Finance: IMI Delhi is the best choice of all the options when it comes to Finance. A premium quality crowd opts for Finance at IMI Delhi and the main reason is the customized MBA program in Finance. Many companies of the Finance sector visit the campus for placements. Finance students also avail the best opportunities and guidance and have a higher level of security than Marketing students.

However, in case you have more than 2-3 years of work experience, IMI Delhi is not a suitable option. Although you may stand out among your batchmates, the companies visiting the campus are not aware of this and offer roles suitable for less experienced students only. So your work experience may not be credited here. 

The general preference order should be: IMI D>XIMB>IMT G



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