Which is a better law college, JIS Law College or Sarsuna Law College?

1 Answer

Kiran Ghose Posted On - Nov 26, 2021
Intern at Barrackpore Court

Among JIS Law College and Sarsuna Law College, the latter is superior. Here are some of the facilities that you will get at the college.

Good Location: The college is situated in Behala. The place is well-connected with the other parts of Kolkata.

Faculties: The faculties are quite good. Most of the professors have done their PhD and are renowned lecturers. 

Moot Courts: It offers moot courts and debate. By participating, you will be able to understand the right way to deal with modern problems in the legal field.

Infrastructure: It offers all basic facilities including well-ventilated classrooms, library, sports room with decent amenities.

Placements: Currently students are more interested in Corporate law. So, the practice of corporate law has increased rapidly. You will get enough opportunities to get into corporate law from Sarsuna Law College. 

Overall, Sarsuna Law College is a great option for pursuing your Law degree. 



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