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How is Chemical Engineering at IIT Gandhinagar in terms of course, faculty, packages and placements?

Deeksha Seth Posted On : March 2nd, 2021
Studied at Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar (2019)

Chemical Engineering at IIT Gandhinagar (IITGN) is decent and underrated, but it is an extremely diverse engineering course one could opt for. As in India, it is difficult to grab your hands on a chemical engineering job because of the supply factor. The supply is greater than the demand itself. It is the quantity that is neglected and the quality which is regarded more. 

The companies/corporations are profited by hiring candidates who are experienced and not freshers. And since the projects you would be working on would be concerned with chemical plants, it is obvious why they require people who are good with their knowledge and have prior experience. 


Chemical Engineering at IIT Gandhinagar

Course Fee

8.71 lakh

Course Duration

4 years

Placement Percentage


Highest CTC

15 LPA

Average CTC


Lowest CTC


Recruiting Companies

DRDO, HPCL, etc.

The companies here would also not accept people who are highly skilled like chemical engineers themselves, as they would demand a high salary. But considering the kind of projects they work on, they have people like chemists and mechanical engineers who are responsible for running the organisation. But if they have an installation and design provided by chemical engineering companies, that is when they would require chemical engineers. 

Lastly, why people don't take chemical engineering seriously is because of how unaware the people are of the basic facts concerning it in general. On the other hand, if you look at IT and service sectors, people are aware because they either have a friend/family/neighbour working in that sector. This isn't with chemical engineering, So, to capsule whatever I have mentioned, it is simply how people carry misconceptions that cause a shortage of jobs for this position.

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How is the placement in chemical engineering at IIT BHU?

Siddharth Mitra Posted On : February 15th, 2022
studied at Indian Institute of Technology Varanasi

The placement scenario for Chemical Engineering students at IIT BHU is good. Although very few core companies from the field visit the campus placements. In the recent placement drive, the average CTC offered to the Chemical Engineering students was in the range of 15-17 LPA. Last year, the highest CTC offered to the branch was 38 LPA. 

Around 60% of all none core companies visiting the campus placement are open for Chemical Engineering students. You also have the option to take GATE and opt for PSU jobs. 

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Keeping in mind the fees, what should I choose for chemical engineering, BITS Hyderabad/Goa or NIT Surat?

Udita Roy Posted On : August 26th, 2021
Studied Mechanical Engineering at BITS Pilani, K. K. Birla Goa Campus (2020)

The fee for NIT is very less as compared to BITS Hyderabad/Goa. BITS Increases its course fees by 15% every year. 

However, in BITS Hyderabad/Goa, you can apply for a loan and easily avail it. Around 20 to 30 percent of the students apply for it. 

If your net family income is less than 8 lakhs per annum then you are eligible for the merit-based scholarship based on the CGPA at BITS Goa. You can apply for the merit scholarship even if your family’s net income is more than 8 lakhs per annum based on the CGPA. Financial support is given to deserving candidates on the BITS campus.

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What should i choose between IIT Indore (cse) and IIT Delhi (chemical engineering)?

Pratik Parikh Posted On : April 11th, 2023
Lives in Bangalore

For an engineering student, his choice of branch is very crucial as it is the determining factor of his career. The institute is important no doubt but only for 4 years. For the rest of your life, your branch will shape your career more than anything.

The scope of Chemical Engineering is very wide and covers a humongous range of fields like 

  • Oil and Gas industry
  • Petrochemical industry
  • Fertilizer industry
  • Nuclear industry
  • Steel industry 
  • Paint industry 
  • Pharmaceutical industry 
  • Cement industry

Chemical Engineering graduates are sought by the above industries at large.

The work of a chemical engineer is to operate the plants optimally. He is also responsible for designing the plants along with a team of other branch engineers. India has less scope in this industry in comparison to abroad. With topics covered like thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer the branch has more of a physics element than a chemical element. 

It’s completely on you which industry or nature of work you are willing to go for. It’s important to note that the career growth of a chemical engineer will not be as fast-paced as that of a CS graduate but the wait will be worth it in the end.

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How do I choose between IIT Delhi engineering physics, civil, production & industrial, and chemical engineering?

Pawan Sinha Posted On : April 5th, 2023
B.Tech Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (2020)

I will restrict my answer to Engineering Physics and Chemicals only as I know the same only. 

  • The major criterion followed at IIT Delhi by all the branches is a well-maintained CG. To secure good placements one has to constantly score a good CG throughout the program.
  • During your admission, the department does not play any role but your 85 percent constraint on minimum possible strength does.
  • Engineering Physics is a unique branch for those highly passionate about Physics and want to pursue higher studies in the same
  • To secure core jobs, one has to move to MTech in Engineering Physics from BTech in Engineering Physics.
  • For Chemical Engineering students, BTech is more than enough to secure decent packages and great research opportunities outside India.
  • Consultancy and Analytics jobs are offered equally to students of all the departments 
  • Engineering Physics graduates usually take up consultancy or IT jobs 
  • Chemical Engineering is the most laid-back department of IIT Delhi with very flexible academics thus making it easy to maintain a decent CG throughout. 

I wouldn’t suggest anyone go for Engineering Physics if they have no intention of pursuing it later. Instead, look for other options in BTech and explore your interests.

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Which is better, IIT Delhi (chemical) or BITS Pilani (CSE)?

Sushmita Gupta Posted On : April 3rd, 2023
studied at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

Irrespective of whichever Institute you go for, CSE is the most demanded branch today and has the best pay scale and job prospects. So, if it’s placements you are after, then BITS Pilani CSE is the right choice for you.

However, if you want to become an entrepreneur then Delhi being the capital is the absolute best place for you. Choosing IIT Delhi on the pretext of learning coding in the last year is a wrong mindset and at the end of the day, you will find yourself with little exposure and knowledge than those who learned coding for 4 years.

Make a well-informed decision considering the pros and cons of both institutes and courses.

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Should I join IIT Delhi chemical or top NIT CSE?

Sushmita Gupta Posted On : April 1st, 2023
studied at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

Yes, irrespective of the branch, choosing IIT Delhi will always prove to be beneficial for you. IIT Delhi has ties with many big firms that visit the campus for placements and offer great packages irrespective of your branch. One needs to be proficient in DSA and other computer science core subjects such as OOPS, OS, DBMS, and Computer Networks. A good grasp of these will fetch you a high-paying job no matter which branch you belong to in IIT Delhi.

Although most companies that visit IIT Delhi also visit NIT, your IIT tag will always fetch you extra benefits and no one can deny that. For instance, the same role offered to an IITiand will have more salary than that offered to a non-IITian.You can easily switch roles and fields given the brand name of the institute you are associated with. IITians even have more opportunities for higher studies in Foreign countries than non-IITians.

IITians especially from Mumbai or Delhi are always given preference over non-IITians hence it is advisable to go for IIT Delhi in any branch.

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Is it better to do chemical engineering at the IIT Madras or computer engineering at IIT Indore?

Ronit Sharma Posted On : March 31st, 2023
Lives in Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India

Both the programs, Chemical Engineering at IIT Madras and Computer Engineering at IIT Indore offers excellent courses and opportunities. However, the choice of the program is more of a personal decision as it depends on career goals, personal interests, and other criteria. It's not a hidden fact that Computer Engineering has a wider scope in almost all sectors in comparison to Chemical engineering. So obviously it is a safe option, but what if you take a specific branch just for placements and then regret it later? 

If you take Chemical you can also change your branch to Computer later but it won't be possible Vive Versa. You must decide after considering all factors and most importantly your interests. Find out what makes you happy the most out of coding, data analysis, or research in a chemical lab, finding solutions for medicinal products, health, synthetic materials, and so on. 

There are examples of IITians dropping out to chase their dreams after realizing they were chasing the wrong branch. Only you can identify your innermost driving factor that will sustain your happiness later on in life.

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Can I get a seat in a university in Amrita, Coimbatore in CSE or chemical engineering with a rank of 11,500?

Rani Sengupta Posted On : July 16th, 2021
M.Tech from Amrita University (2018)

I have a few friends from Amrita University, so I can give you some information regarding the required cutoff for admission at the institute.

With this rank, you will get admission at Amrita University but for getting a CSE branch you will need a rank below 3000. If your rank is above 3000, then you may ask the management and you might get Bangalore or Amritapuri branch for the CSE.

If you are not in the Tamil Nadu state quota category you cannot get a seat with the counseling process, you will need to contact the college for more details. If you belong to the state quota then you might get preference and get the branch of your choice.

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