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Should I choose NSIT COE or IIT Delhi Civil?

Sona Panday Posted On : April 11th, 2023
Studied at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (2018)

Both of the institutes are located in Delhi, so location is not the issue. Both are visited by top management companies like Bain and BCG. Honestly speaking, Civil Engineering will limit your chances to go for tech companies like Microsoft, DE Shaw, Cisco, and Google. However, for Quant profile, IIT Delhi is the best with top banks such as JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, and Goldman Sachs. 

Both institutes have access to coaching institutes for preparation for Civil Services or MBA but IIT Delhi has a much better location. Basically, both institutes offer a heterogeneous mix of facilities and opportunities.

Why should one go for NSUT?

IIT Delhi Civil is a bit inferior in comparison to NSIT, as TPOs mostly comprise Tech Companies that are open for circuital branches like CSE, EE, ECE, M&C, and Instrumentation. Moreover, IIT Delhi has a better crowd and thus more competition during internships and placements. The core placements in Civil are pathetic and most students opt for non-core placements.

Why should one go for IIT Civil?

  • IIT Delhi faculty is much more experienced and learned than NSUT
  • The rich startup culture promotes future entrepreneurs and their ideas 
  • IIT tag is helpful in getting admission to foreign universities 
  • You have the option to sit for IES or take Civil as an optional subject for Indian Forest Service or Civil Service Examination
  • Civil is a safer career than tech and guarantees career longevity.
  • Although civil freshers are rarely in demand, a civil engineer with enough work experience, the right set of skills, and great project accomplishments are paid a high salary.


If you are looking for internship opportunities right after graduation, NSUT is the place for you but if you are ready to pursue a slow but stable career with a great scope for growth then IIT Delhi Civil is a good choice for you.

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How's the hostel life in Delhi's top colleges like IIT Delhi, NSIT and DTU?

Akriti Banerjee Posted On : April 10th, 2023
lives in New Delhi

The hostel life in Delhi's top colleges such as IIT Delhi, NSIT, and DTU is generally considered to be full of roller coaster experiences. You get to interact with such a mixed crowd for the first time in your life and almost everyone here is a genius.

Your most precious memory when you will leave the college will be munching Maggie at the Maggie Baba around 3 in the morning with your friends or playing cricket at 12 midnight. You will miss the Friday night hangouts in lounges and clubs. Girls however suffer because of the curfew effective right at 9 pm. The hostels add to the overall college life experience and if you aren’t staying at a hostel, you are missing out on a lot of fun.

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How do IIT Delhi/Bombay, BITS Pilani, NSIT and IIIT-H compare?

Pratik Parikh Posted On : April 10th, 2023
Lives in Bangalore

Placement-wise, IIT Bombay is clearly the winner, followed by IIT Delhi with IIIT Hyderabad and BITS Pilani almost similar 


IIT Bombay

IIT Delhi

IIIT Hyderabad 

BITS Pilani

Highest CTC




INR 60.75 LPA

Average CTC 

INR 23.26 LPA

INR 1.25 CPA


INR 30.37 LPA

Top Recruiters 

American Express, Honda Japan, Mc Kinsey & Company, Boston Consulting Group

Jane Street

Bloomberg, Code Nation, Deloitte, Facebook, Google, HSBC, Indeed

Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Visa, Adobe, Cisco

Courses: Course-wise too, IIT Bombay wins the race accompanied by IIT Delhi, IIIT Hyderabad, and BITS Pilani subsequently.

International competitions: The order remains the same except BITS scores better than IIIT Hyderabad in this aspect.

Startup culture: The startup culture too is best at IIT Bombay, then IIT Delhi followed by BITS and Hyderabad.

\Alumni: IIT Bombay has the highest number of successful alumni across the globe after which stands IIT Delhi, BITS Pilani, and finally IIIT Hyderabad.

I don’t think it’s logical to compare extremely old and government-funded IITs with private institutes like BITS and IIIH. The alumni reach is also incomparable.

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IIT Delhi vs DTU vs NSUT which of these considered the best engineering college in Delhi (Rankwise)?

Akriti Banerjee Posted On : April 10th, 2023
lives in New Delhi

The primary step even before deciding on the Institute is to determine which field, or branch appeals to you to the extent that you want to spend the rest of your life in that field. Once you have done that, the next step is to research which Institute specializes in that field.

  • For Coding, Computer Science is the best
  • For Automobiles, the Mechanical branch is the best
  • For interest in electronic devices, the best branches for you are ECE and EEE are the best
  • If you are interested in electrical things like motors, and power supply in house EE is the right branch for you.
  • If building dams, bridges, and highways interests you, Civil Engineering is perfect for you

Lastly, I will suggest you go for IIT Delhi without much hesitation as it is a complete package, with the much coveted IIT tag, the best faculties, labs, and other amenities.

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What is the difference between the top 3 colleges of Delhi - DTU, NSIT and IIT Delhi?

Akriti Banerjee Posted On : April 5th, 2023
lives in New Delhi

Top engineering colleges like IIT Delhi, NSIT, School of Planning and Architecture, Delhi, College of Art, Delhi, and even the famous Faculty of Management Studies have branched out from DCE. Major differences between these Engineering institutes include

  • Being the oldest, DTU has the largest alumni base ever more than NSIT and IIT Delhi.
  • All three have different statuses; DTU in itself is a university, NSIT is under the umbrella of Delhi University while IIT Delhi is an institution affiliated with the central government.
  • The companies visiting these institutes are similar in terms of roles and packages offered with DTU and IIT Delhi students getting offers from companies like McKinsey, Bain, etc. while NSIT students getting offers from Tech giants like Facebook, Google, and Microsoft.
  • IITians enjoy the brand name that comes attached to their degrees. This brand name is superior to that of DCE.

Ultimately students prefer IITs over other engineering colleges mainly because they are government bodies and have earned global recognition.

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What should I choose, NSUT Electrical or IIT Kharagpur Food and agriculture Engineering?

Senjuti Gupta Posted On : March 27th, 2023
studied at IIT Kgp

For your information, the Agriculture Department of IIT Kharagpur itself is around 300 acres whereas the entire IIT Delhi is sightless less than 400 acres. The huge area of IIT KGP is definitely not a boon and might actually work against you. Moreover, it’s not a brainer that Electrical Engineering seems to be a better option than Agriculture Engineering unless you have an interest in the latter. NSUT itself is a pretty decent institute and is much in demand because of its central location. 

In short, I recommend you to join IIT Kharagpur (Agriculture) only under 2 circumstances,

  • You are genuinely interested in the field and want it to pursue a career in the same
  • You want to pursue higher studies in foreign studies. 

For this, the IIT tag will be much more useful than NSUT. The entire answer is based on my opinion only and not on any data.

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