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How much work experience is required to get an interview call from IIM Bangalore?

Smriti Agarwal Posted On : May 9th, 2022
studied at Indian Institute of Management Bangalore

As per the admission trends of IIM Bangalore, almost every student stands a chance of getting interview calls. Here is the work-experience profile of PGPBA 2021 in batch.

Work Experience in months  Number of students
No experience  18
<13 months of experience  8
13-24 months of experience  9
25-36 months of experience  7
37-48 months of experience  2
Above 48 months of experience  1

So, the above statistics back up the fact that every aspirant has chances of getting interview calls. IIM Bangalore puts more emphasis on the quality of work experience in relevant sectors, CAT percentile, and past academic performance, rather than years of experience. 

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What is the level of interview for XIMB? What are the preparation strategies for cracking the interview for XIMB considering less than 1 month time?

Radhika Srivastava Posted On : March 9th, 2023
MBA in Business Management, Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar (Graduated 2019)

When preparing for an interview at XIMB, it is important to focus on a few key things to help you perform your best. Firstly, it is important to thoroughly revise your undergraduate subjects as this can make up a significant portion of the interview. Ensure that you have a good grasp of the technical aspects of your course and can discuss it confidently.

In addition, it is important to have a good understanding of general knowledge, including current affairs. You don't need to know everything, but having a basic understanding of what is happening in the world can be useful. Furthermore, having an opinion about current events can be even more important than your knowledge of them.

Some XIMB interviews may also include philosophical questions, so it is helpful to have a philosophical bent of mind and be able to think critically about abstract concepts. This can help you to demonstrate your ability to think deeply and creatively.

During the interview, it is important to present yourself confidently, even if you don't know the answer to a question. Smile and be positive, as this can help you to build a good rapport with the interviewer. Remember that it's not just about what you know, but also how you present yourself and how well you can convince the interviewer of your suitability for the program.

In general, when preparing for any business school interview, it's important to have a good understanding of your domain knowledge and to keep up-to-date with daily news, particularly as it relates to business. Be prepared to discuss your work projects and know yourself well, as this will help you to answer questions confidently and authentically.

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How was your MICA interview experience?

Shalini Guha Posted On : March 26th, 2021
MBA from Indian Institute of Management, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India (2020)

After taking exams like CAT, GMAT and MICAT, which is MICA's own entrance exam, you are shortlisted for GE/PI based on your combined CAT/GMAT and MICAT score. Every candidate's interview experience is unique and subjective. The panelists try to ask critical questions, eager to test your stand. But you don't need to stress out, just be rational. 

Here is a genuine interview experience of a friend of mine:

Venue: Indian Social Institute, New Delhi

Slot: Morning Slot

  1. First of all your GEPI Registrations happen at the venue which eventually gets over by 9:15 after which you are assigned panel numbers. Candidates are put into several groups of 7-8 members each, and from there they are taken for the GE.
  2. Thereafter, two-panel members welcome you and provide you with aprons to wear, on which a serial number of candidates is written.
  3. A group exercise is assigned which has to be executed collectively by the group members at the GE. The exercise that my friend got was "to prepare a skit in which you're playing yourself and Candidate 3 is chosen for admission to MICA from this group, you have to justify his selection."
  4. Then, you are given 7-8 minutes to think about and plan your group exercise. My friend and her group decided that they will let candidate 3 have a great interview while other group members will be downplaying their strengths and hence justifying the selection of candidate 3 through their group exercise.
  5. After your group exercise, you are asked to wait for the common waiting area and you will be facing three new panel members for the personal interview round. 
  6. The panel members will greet you and ask you to sit down. They might discuss the group project that you just performed and what was your role in it. 
  7. They might ask you about your academic background and why you chose to appear for MICA over IIMs. Questions about social media marketing, digital marketing can be thrown at you at any time so prepare beforehand.

Lastly, even if the panelists try to grill you, you have to stand your ground and keep your composure. If you have good communication skills and you understand what all marketing is actually about, then your result will be definitely converted.

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What questions are usually asked in an amity interview?

Aditi Banerjee Posted On : May 31st, 2022
B.Com LL.b (H) from Amity University, Noida (2018)

Amity University interview starts with a brief introduction. You will be asked to talk a little bit about yourself. You can expect questions on the subject you applied in. There usually are a few basic questions as well. They may ask about your extracurricular activities, your goal in life, why you want to choose Amity, etc. 

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Is it possible to reschedule an Interview at IIM, Bangalore or IIM, Calcutta?

Vidushi Sharma Posted On : July 26th, 2022
MBA from Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (2018)

Yes, it is possible to reschedule an interview at IIM Bangalore, IIM Calcutta or any other IIM. If you can’t attend the interview, for some reason, you can write a mail and request them to give you another interview slot. You should explain the reason and attach proof with the mail. For example, if your semester examination dates are clashing with the interview date, you should attach the examination schedule with the mail. 

For valid reasons, they agree to reschedule. 

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How was your IIT Kharagpur VGSoM interview?

Pritilekha Bose Posted On : April 11th, 2023
MBA from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (2020)

VGSoM at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur conducts a rigorous interview process as part of its admission criteria for MBA and other management programs. Here are some things to expect during the VGSoM interview:

  • Personal introduction: The interviewers may ask you to introduce yourself and give an overview of your academic and professional background.
  • General questions: The interviewers may ask you general questions about your interests, hobbies, and current affairs. These questions are intended to assess your communication skills and your ability to think on your feet.
  • Academic questions: The interviewers may also ask you questions related to your academic background, including your undergraduate studies and any relevant coursework or projects. They may also test your knowledge of basic business concepts.
  • Case studies: VGSoM is known for its case-based approach to teaching management. Hence, the interviewers may ask you to analyze a case study and provide your insights on the same.
  • Group discussion: In some cases, VGSoM may conduct group discussions as part of the interview process to assess your team-working skills and your ability to communicate and present your ideas effectively.
  • Industry experience: If you have relevant work experience, the interviewers may ask you questions related to your industry experience, including your job responsibilities and achievements.

Overall, the VGSoM interview is designed to assess your communication skills, analytical thinking, and suitability for the management program. It is essential to be well-prepared and confident during the interview to make a good impression on the interviewers.

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How was your IIM C/IIT Kharagpur/ISI Kolkata PGDBA interview experience?

Aditi Roy Posted On : March 30th, 2023
lives in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India

One of my friends had the absolute delight to appear for the PGDBA interview conducted by a multifaceted panel. He shared his interview experience which might help you a bit.

Before the interview began, he was taken for a Verification Round wherein, every detail of academics scores or other profile-related information was cross-checked on the IIMs format. Once they received an IIM-verified document they were escorted to the interview venue.

The interview room had 3 panels; one from each institute obviously.

They asked for his brief introduction first. On hearing about his interest in Data Analytics, panelists probed him further with questions like

  • What is Data Analytics
  • Difference between analytics and analysis
  • Contemporary Data analytics and ML

They further asked him why he chose Analytics. He told them that the increasing demand for the same in Europe and China made him realize how much India lacks in this aspect and thus he wanted to invest his efforts in Data Analytics.

Next, he was tested on his knowledge of Statistics and Mathematics with questions like 

  • Difference between mean, mode, Media
  • Skewness
  • Relationship of mean, mode, and median in a positive Skew graph
  • Hypothesis Testing
  • What is Anova

The next panelist took the reins and gave him a problem from SPC quality control. He asked him how do you know that his process in electric bulb making is as per customer Norma and is statistically controlled. My friend was able to answer most of the questions confidently and even solved this problem through charts. 

Lastly, he was asked about his extracurricular activities and hobbies. The discussion ended with him asking about GST and the difference between GST and previous tax. Even though he gave a common answer, he managed to convert the interview.

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I have an interview scheduled at K J Somaiya. Can anybody help me on what things to prepare in detail?

Kashish Nikumbh Posted On : September 6th, 2021
MBA from K.J. Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research (2017)

As one of my friends also has gone through the same situation, I might be able to provide you with some tips that could be useful to you.

  • Expect nothing out of the ordinary that will catch you off guard. 
  • The interview process is straightforward and very conventional. 
  • There's no need to be anxious if you have good reasons for what you've written on your CV and SOP. 
  • Be meticulous with your SOP and CV, as most of the questions to be raised would be sourced from what’s written in your CV and SOP. 
  • Remember, your desire to do an MBA should be convenient to the panel and they must know exactly why you want to get an MBA degree.

In most cases, case-based GD is offered, therefore XAT decision-making questions can be useful during preparation. If you have any prior work experience, you should expect some questions from that section as well. Hence be prepared in that way to walk through this interview round.

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What qualities they actually look for in interview at nitie Mumbai?

Siddharth Nagar Posted On : August 18th, 2021
Studied Master of Business Administration Degrees at National Institute of Industrial Engineering (2019)

During the interview process at NITIE, they will judge you on the basis of your personality and technical knowledge. They will ask you questions related to your final year project, academic favorites, and your field of engineering.

The process can last for a few minutes to even 1 hour, with students securing placements in both cases. For getting into NITIE, just prepare hard on these questions:

  1. Tell me about yourself
  2. What are your academic achievements?
  3. Why do you want to pursue MBA?
  4. Explain your Final-year project (Add managerial aspects to your contributions at the project)
  5. Which other calls? Why did you choose NITIE?

Be smart while preparing for an Interview and have an in-depth knowledge of your domain. Pick one favorite subject and talk about it in the beginning. 

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What kind of questions are asked in BIMTECH interview?

Abhiroop Datta Posted On : February 27th, 2023
Studied at Birla Institute of Management Technology

The interview in BIMTECH is part of its selection process. The students have to appear in shortlisting. I have jotted down the most common questions asked in the BIMTECH interview:

  • Why would you like to pursue a PGDM?
  • Why do you want to attend BIMTECH to study?
  • Why made you pick this particular course?
  • What are you planning to do with a PGDM?
  • Who is your role model and why?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?

 Questions related to personal attributes:

  • Tell us your accomplishments 
  • What are your passions and how have you been able to make the most out of them
  • Would you rather have a job with low pay at a large company or one with a high salary at a small company?
  • A significant piece of news you read today
  • The roles this management degree will play in advancing your career?
  • What extracurricular activities have you been into apart from academics?

Preparing for these questions ensures 70% of your interview goes smoothly. Rest depends on your skills and luck.

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