TISSNET Exam Analysis 2023: Get Detailed Paper Analysis & Review

TISSNET Exam Analysis 2023

New Delhi: The TISSNET 2023 exam's level of difficulty will be announced, once the exam is conducted. The entire TISSNET exam analysis is available here for candidates who appeared for the TISSNET 2023 exam.

Last year, the General Awareness section questions of TISSNET 2023 were a little more difficult than this year.

TISSNET 2022 Exam Highlights 

The question paper of TISSNET 2022 was similar to last year’s question paper The Logical Reasoning and Quantitative Ability section had a total of 30 questions, with 22 in the Quant section, 6 in the Data Interpretation section, and 2 in the Logical Reasoning section.

This section would have been the simplest and easiest for the candidate who would have been well-prepared. The level of difficulty for the General Awareness section was moderate. Both Current Affairs and Static GK have an identical number of questions.

With the exception of a few Fill in the Blanks, the questions in the English Proficiency & Language Skills part were of an easy to moderate level.

TISSNET Previous Year Analysis 2022: Section-wise Difficulty Level

The TISSNET 2022 question paper consisted of a total of 100 multiple choice questions each carrying 1 mark.

Section Total Questions Total Marks Difficulty Level
General Awareness 40 40 Easy to Moderate
English Proficiency 30 30 Easy to Moderate
Maths and Logical Reasoning 30 30 Easy
Total 100 100 Easy to Moderate

TISSNET 2022 Analysis: Section-wise Good Attempts

Tabulated below is the overall score of 65 to be considered a good score in TISSNET 2022.

Section  Good Score
General Awareness 25
English Proficiency 20-22
Mathematics and Logical Reasoning 25-26
Total 65

TISSNET 2022 Analysis: Section-wise Difficulty Level 

General Knowledge 

The difficulty level was simple to moderate overall, but one segment was noticeably harder. The questions were split equally between current affairs and static GK.

Topics Number of Questions 
Geography 5
Polity 9
Sports 4
Environment 1
Education 1
Culture 2
Business 2
Awards 5
UN Bodies 1
Modern History 2
Economics 3
Crops 1
Literature 1
Technology 2
Total 40

English Proficiency

The questions covered topics including verbal reasoning, grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. Tabulated below lists the distribution of questions per topic.

Topic  Number of Questions 
Fill in the Blanks 5 (Preposition-based) + 3 (Vocab-Based)
Verbal Reasoning 1
Parajumbles 3
Odd one out 1
Spot the errors 3
Summary 1
Parts of Speech 1
Antonym 1
Grammar 1
Reading Comprehension 5+5
Total 30

Maths and Logical Reasoning

The 30 questions in this section were divided into 22 quantitative, 6 data interpretation, and 2 logical reasoning problems. The tables below list the subjects by subject area.

Topic  Number of Questions 
Simple Arithmetic 4
Mensuration 1
Height & Distance 1
Geometry 1
Profit & Loss 1
Probability 4
Number Series 1
Alphabet Series 1
Average 3
Compound Interest 1
Ratio & Proportion 3
Logarithm 1
Logarithm 1
Divisibility 1
Data Interpretation 3 + 3
Total 30

TISSNET 2021 Analysis: Section-wise Difficulty Level 

The TISSNET 2021 question paper consisted of a total of 100 multiple choice questions each carrying 1 mark

Section Total Questions Total Marks Difficulty Level
General Awareness 40 40 Easy to Moderate
English Proficiency 30 30 moderate
Maths and Logical Reasoning 30 30 easy
Total 100 100 Moderate

TISSNET 2021 Analysis: Section-wise Good Attempts

An overall score of 68-73 can be considered a good score in TISSNET 2021.

Section  Good Score 
General Awareness 25-27
English Proficiency 27-28
Maths and Logical Reasoning 23-25
Total 70-75

TISS MAT Exam Pattern 

The TISS MAT question paper is divided into three sections: business awareness, management data interpretation, and comprehension. The total number of MCQs on the TISSMAT exam was 45, with 15 in each section. The TISSMAT had a total score of 45. One mark will be awarded for each accurate response, but one-quarter of a mark will be deducted for each incorrect response.

Sections Number of Questions Total Marks
Comprehension 15 15
Management Data Interpretation 15 15
Business Awareness 15 15
Total 45 45

There were 15 multiple-choice questions in this section. There were two passages in it, each containing eight and seven questions. The questions were easy to somewhat difficult. It will be good to receive 10–12 points for this section. Management Data Interpretation: This section was the easiest of all. There were two sets of five questions on the pie-chart and a set of five questions on the table. Scoring 8—10 would be ideal for this section. Business Awareness: This section was comparatively harder than the other two sections. Questions about business and the economy were asked.

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