New Delhi: The Medical Counseling Committee (MCC) recently published a list of all admitted candidates who participated in NEET counselling 2022 for this year's MBBS/BDS & BSC Nursing admissions.

According to the MCC's list, 18,856 applicants attended the AIQ, deemed, and central universities' rounds 1 and 2. By November 23, MCC will begin the NEET UG 2022 mop-up round of counselling.
Until November 28, eligible candidates may register for the mop-up round of counselling. The selection-filling period for the NEET UG 2022 mop-up round will run from November 24 to November 29, 2022.
Below is a list of applicants who applied to MBBS, BDS and B.Sc. Nursing programmes at All India Quota, Deemed, and Central Universities in Rounds 1 and 2 for the information of DMEs and State Counseling Authorities in all the states.
The candidate's name, roll number, quota name, category, institute code, institute name, and courses are listed on the list that MCC has made public.
Under the directions of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India dated 09-05-2017 passed in W.P No. 267 of 2017 Dar-Us- Slam Educational Trust Vs. MCI & Ors. and W.P(C) No. 820 of 2021 Snigda Leo Vs. MCC & Anr.
As per MCC, the applicants who join their seats of Round 2 allocated by MCC of DGHS won't be entitled to participate in additional counselling rounds.
Direct Link: Full List of Accepted Candidates for MBBS, BDS, and BSC Nursing Round 2 Counselling UG 2022 |
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