NATA 2020 Application Form Reopened, Online Home Proctored Test Available

The Authorities have again released the NATA 2020 Application form for the first phase on the official website. Applicants can now fill the application form online till August 12, 2020. The Form Correction facility has been also made available for the registered candidates till the same date. NATA 2020 Phase 1 is scheduled to be held on August 29, 2020. 

NATA 2020 Important Dates (Phase 1)

Events Revised Dates
Last Date to apply and access the correction facility August 12, 2020
Release of NATA Admit Card August 22, 2020
NATA 2020 Exam Date August 29, 2020 (10 Am to 12 noon and 12:30 PM to 2:30 Pm)
Result Date September 03, 2020

CoA has provided the option for aspirants to choose their place of examination. Students can now opt to attempt  NATA Entrance examination  from their home on Laptop/PC or at the allotted exam center. Registered applicants have also been given the facility to edit their residential address and choice of test cities through NATA Login.

Guidelines for Online Home Proctored Test

Candidates must note that those who opt to attempt the NATA exam from their home will be required to appear only from the address provided during the registration. The geo-location of the student along with the laptop/PC will be captured and matched with the address provided in the form. If candidates wish to change their address can do so before the last date. 

The minimum requirements for the home proctored NATA 2020 exams are mentioned below:

  • Laptop/PC with minimum 2 GB RAM and with updated web browser either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

  • Laptop or PC should have a Mic (Microphone)

  • Compatible Web browser

  • Electricity Backup of at least 4 Hours (Inverter, UPS, Generator)

  • Active Full-Time Broadband Internet Connection of at least 1 Mbps.

NATA 2020 will be conducted in two-attempts and the aspirants will have the choice of attempting one exam or both for admission into the participating colleges of NATA As per the revised Exam Pattern, Part-A (Drawing Test) will not be a paper-based test but will be conducted as a preferential choice type test which is to be answered on Laptop/Computer.

Also Read: Major Changes Introduced in NATA 2020
