Mumbai: Final Year Online Exams 2020 Postponed, Due To Power Failure Across City, Check Details

Final year online exams 2020 were postponed in several Mumbai colleges, due to the power failure in the city. On Monday, the entire Mumbai City faced a power outage, which disrupted the final year exams across the city colleges.

Due to the power outage, several colleges in the city of Mumbai have rescheduled today's exam paper to some other date. Students who were able to receive the question paper link tried to continue their exams despite power failure.

Check: Maharashtra CET Cell Issues Exam Center Guidelines For MHT CET 2020 PCM 

On the other hand, most colleges in the city have permitted the students to complete their examination and upload the answer scripts by this afternoon.

For the first time, the final year examinations are being held online as MCQ pattern, due to the exceptional situation of the pandemic.

Following the power outage, KC College released an official notification, informing that the undergraduate and postgraduate exams for the final year students have been postponed and rescheduled to October 18, 2020, due to the electricity grid failure in the city.

Meanwhile, Rizvi College of Engineering and St Andrew's College have also rescheduled today's exam, which will be held on October 15, 2020. These exams have been rescheduled after the completion of the other exams.

Check: Mumbai University Final Year Law Examination: Students Raised Concern Over Difficulty Level 

An M.Com student who received the question link said that although he received the question link on his email, he was hesitant as his college was yet to release any official notification regarding the rescheduling of the exams.

The MHT CET exam 2020 for PCM scheduled to be held in the forenoon session on Monday were also disrupted at various exam centres across the city. 

Nearly 14,000 students were supposed to take up the MHT CET 2020 exam across the state. 

Check: MHT CET 2020 Admit Card (Released), Paper Analysis, Exam Dates, Registration, Sample Papers, Syllabus, Cut off

Further, the State's CET cell authority said that MHT CET 2020 exam has been conducted in several centres, where there was power backup. 

“Students who have missed today's exam will be given another chance to appear for the examination,” said the Higher and Technical Education Minister, Uday Samant. 

Also Check: MHT CET 2020: PCM Stream Exam Analysis; Check Students Feedback Here 
