IIT Mandi Faculty Selected to Join EMBO Global Investigator Network; Read Details Here

New Delhi: Dr Baskar Bakthavachalu, a Faculty Member of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Mandi has been chosen to become a new member of the EMBO Global Investigator Network. The EMBO Global Investigator Network is pleased to welcome the addition of its eight new members.

As per IIT Mandi, the young group leaders, who have established laboratories in Chile, India, Singapore, and Taiwan, will start receiving financial support in January 2023 from EMBO Global Investigator Network. They will also have access to a variety of networking and training opportunities.

Young group leaders working in life sciences are honoured with the coveted EMBO Global Investigator Award. Dr BaskarBakthavachalui is working under IIT Mandi's School of Biosciences and Bioengineering to understand the molecular pathways behind neurodegenerative illnesses along with his research team.

The research team is particularly interested in understanding how genetic changes in RNA-binding proteins result in the buildup of toxic protein inclusions in the brain that trigger cell death in a number of neurodegenerative illnesses, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

Additionally, Dr BaskarBakthavachalui's lab studies these systems using Drosophila and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) as models in an effort to find therapeutic targets that can stop or delay neurodegeneration.

Talking about EMBO, IIT Mandi's Dr Baskar Bakthavachalu stated that this award is a fantastic appreciation of our work. Being a member of the EMBO Global Investigator Network provides my students, who will have the opportunity to interact with scientists from all around the world, with numerous networking opportunities.

The new international researchers will get financing over a four-year period to help them develop and broaden their networks and research portfolios. The money can be used to go to other institutions to conduct experiments, investigate new methodologies, and develop various partnerships.

Additionally, there is financial assistance available for EMBO leadership and management training as well as for attending or planning scientific events. This program's objective is to promote local exchanges in order to encourage the growth of EMBO communities outside of Europe as well as to stimulate scientific cooperation with Europeans.

Fiona Watt, Director of EMBO, said, we congratulate the newly elected members on becoming EMBO Global Investigators and we are convinced that they will get a lot out of the programme and will monitor their development with great interest.

The EMBO Global Investigators join a burgeoning network of approximately 700 EMBO Global Investigators, Installation Grantees, and Young Investigators who are active and have completed their studies in the past.

Applicants must have a strong record of scientific accomplishments and have been in charge of their own research group for at least one and up to six years in order to be considered for membership in the EMBO Global Investigator Network.

In addition to this, applicants must carry out their research in an EMBC Associate Member State (currently India and Singapore) or in a country or territory covered by a cooperation agreement with EMBC (currently Chile and Taiwan).

The network was established in 2019, and the selected candidates this year represent the fourth batch of international investigators. As of now, a total of 43 applications were submitted, yielding a 19% success rate for 2022. The following deadline for the next session application submission is June 1, 2023.

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