LPU B.Arch Admissions 2015

Lovely Professional University was established in the year 2005.  It is situated in Jalandhar, Punjab and is approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi.

LPU offers full time B.Arch course of 5 years duration and admission will be granted to the candidates on the basis of NATA score conducted by COA.

LPU 2015 B.Arch Eligibility Criteria

  • Candidate must have passed class 12 with subjects English and maths


  • Diploma in architectural Assistantship/Diploma in Civil/Interior Design

LPU 2015 B.Arch 2015 Application Procedure

Offline mode

  • Procuring of application form- Candidates can obtain Application Form offline along with the prospectus.
  • Filling up of application form- Provide all the mandatory details asked in the application form. Indicate N.A. wherever not applicable.
  • Payment Mode-Programme fee, Application fee and registration fee should be paid in the form of demand draft made in favor of ' Lovely Professional University' payable at Jalandhar.

Note:-Applicant's Name, Father's Name, Application number, Admission Id number should be mention at the back of DD.

  • Submission of Application Form-Duly filled application form along with the DD must be sent to below specified address:-
Project Head (Admissions)
Directorate of Distance Education,
Lovely Professional University,
Jalandhar-Delhi G.T Road, (NH-1),
Phagwara, Punjab-144411

Online mode (For Indian Applicants)

Step 1– Register yourself on LPU admission portal with all the basic details. A unique username / password will be generated and sent to the email id given while registering. The username will be the email id and password will be system generated.

Step 2– Login to admission portal with the username and password.

Step3– Submit the application form after filling it.

Step 4– Make part payment of Rs. 5000/- (Rs. 4100/- for tuition fee and Rs. 900/- for prospectus). The prospectus will be dispatched at your correspondence address after the successful payment of fee.

  • A Unique AID and Registration No will be generated and sent to your registered Email ID. Our representative will call you and will guide you through the next series of steps which might include:
  • About total fee of the programme selected.
  • The detailed eligibility criteria of the programme selected
  • Scholarship details of the programme selected
  • Process and modes of making the balance fee payment
  • Any other specific query.

Step 5– Upload the necessary documents Date of Birth proof (Matric certificate, PAN card, Adhaar card), Photograph and eligibility document (on the basis of which admission is sought). In case the eligibility document is not available at the time of filling this application form (recently appeared), it should be uploaded as and when it is available.

Step 6– Pending fee is to be deposited within 7-10 working days or as communicated by the University

For International applicants

Step 1– There is a separate registration form for those who are using this portal for the first time. Candidates have to register themselves by using that form only. After registration candidates will receive a username (which will be same as your Email ID) and a system generated password. Use this username / password to login to the admission portal using the right form.

Step 2– Click on 'application form' and fill the basic details and the programme programme you are interested in option for residential facility and submit the form.

Step 3 -After submitting the form successfully, candidates are supposed to upload necessary transcripts. In case anyone's result is awaited at the time of filling the application form, they can upload the supporting documents afterwards.

Step 4– At this point application is under process and within 24 working hours candidates will get either one of the two from LPU's side:

  • An "Offer Letter" (OL) in case we allow you to take provisional admission in the programme applied.
  • An email of regret and alternate programme option for you in case you are not eligible to take admission in the programme applied.

Note: Please note that an offer letter does not guarantee you an assured seat in the applied programme.

Step 5– In case offer letter is issued, download it by clicking "Application Status" button and read it thoroughly.

Step 6– To make payment as per the Offer letter, Click on "Fee payment & Intimation" button and submit the "Acceptance of Offer Letter" (AOL)

Step 7-After realization of fee paid and receiving "Acceptance of Offer Letter", an "Acceptance Letter" will issued to you which can be downloaded from "Application Status" button.

Step 8-Download the "Acceptance Letter", read it thoroughly and apply for visa.


Lovely Professional University B.Arch 2015 Programme Fee

Phase 1 (with EDB)Applicable till May 30, 2015 Phase 2 (without EDB)Applicable from June 1, 2015 to June 30, 2015 Phase 3 (without EDB)Applicable from July 1, 2015 to July 30, 2015
Tuition Fees 84500 94500 94500
90% or above aggregate marks in qualifying exam
NATA score of more than equal to 120
34500 44500 54500
80% – 89.99% aggregate marks in qualifying exam
NATA score between 110 and 119
44500 54500 64500
70% – 79.99% aggregate marks in qualifying exam
NATA score between 100 and 109
54500 64500 74500
Below 70% with valid LPU-TFA score 64500 74500 84500

Click here to know about Lovely Professional University Courses

Click here to know about Lovely Professional University Course Fee Structure



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