TISSNET 2020 Analysis: Sectional Analysis, Expected Cutoff and Selection Process

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TISSNET Exam 2020 was conducted successfully on January 4, 2020, across 40 cities in India. The MBA Exam was conducted over a span of 100 minutes with no specific time limit for any section. TISSNET Exam was then followed by the just-introduced TISSMAT Exam which had a time limit of 30 minutes.

Candidates willing to apply for the TISS Mumbai Flagship programs - MA in HRM & LR and MA in ODCL had to take the TISS-MAT Exam. The scores of this exam of each candidate will be added to the PIT Scores of the shortlisted candidates.

Read along to find out the detailed breakup and section-wise analysis of questions presented along with their difficulty levels.

TISSNET Exam Pattern

TISSNET Exam Pattern

The question paper of the TISSNET Exam contained three sections - English Proficiency, General Awareness, and Maths & Logical Reasoning. Test takers had to tackle 100 MCQs within a time limit of 100 minutes. As the trend that is followed, there was no provision for negative marking on wrong responses.

Section Number of Questions Total Marks Level of Difficulty Good Attempt
English Proficiency 30 30 Moderate 27-28
General Awareness 40 40 Moderate to Difficult 25-27
Maths & Logical Reasoning 30 30 Easy 23-25
Total 100 100 Moderate 70-75
  1. In contrast to the previous year’s paper, there were no questions on single word substitutions, idioms, and similarity/ analogy. The grammar-related questions were pretty straightforward. There were a couple of problems based on synonyms and antonyms.
  2. Like the trend that’s followed, this year too, the section of General Awareness tossed a significant challenge to the test takers. Just 5-6 questions were associated with Current Affairs while the rest were from static GK.
  3. The segment of Maths & Logical Reasoning contained 30 questions with 23 from Quant and 7 from DI. Curiously, there was not even a single question from reasoning.

TISSNET Sectional Analysis

TISSNET Sectional Analysis

English Proficiency

  1. There were 30 questions in this section among which 10 problems were based on 2 passages for Reading Comprehension. Most of the questions were moderately easy except a few difficult vocabulary questions.
  2. Somewhere between 25-26 would be an ideal score in this section. A well-prepared aspirant should have been able to tackle all the questions from the section within 40 minutes.

General Awareness

  1. A count of 40 questions was there in this section, each carrying 1 mark for a correct response. Out of them, almost 8 questions were a bit tricky, 12 of them were moderate and 20 were pretty easy to comprehend.
  2. A good benchmark in this section would require a count of 20-23. Attempting the entire section for all the 40 questions, should not have taken more than 20 minutes.

Mathematical and Logical Reasoning

Out of the 30 questions in the section, 7 of them were on Data Interpretation divided in two sets.

  1. The first set had 3 questions on Pie chart and the second set had 4 questions based on Tables.
  2. All the remaining 23 questions were on varying topics of Mathematics like Numbers, Algebra, Geometry, Arithmetic, and Modern Mathematics. Most of the questions were easy to apprehend and imposed no major threat.
  3. 40 minutes of time-allotment to this section, should have presented a candidate to solve at least 26-27 questions accurately and marked the rest of the answers, as there was no negative marking.

TISSMAT Exam Pattern

TISSMAT Exam Pattern

The question paper of the TISSMAT Exam had 45 MCQs equally divided across three sections. For each correct response, an aspirant will be awarded one mark whereas for an incorrect answer, there will be a deduction of 0.25 mark.

Section Number of Questions Total Marks
Management - Data Interpretation 15 15
Comprehension 15 15
Business Awareness 15 15
Total 45 45

TISSMAT Sectional Analysis

TISSMAT Sectional Analysis

English Comprehension

  1. There were 2 passages with 8 and 7 questions separately, both of them being easy to apprehend.
  2. 10 should be a good score for this section. A well-groomed aspirant would be able to tackle all the problems within 10-11 minutes.

Date Interpretation - Management

  1. This segment had 3 sets, each of 5 questions. The first had 1 pie chart, the second one had 2 and the 3rd set had 5 questions on histograms.
  2. About 10-11 should be an ideal score for this segment. The ideal time span to be spared in this segment should not have been more than 12-13 minutes.

Business Awareness

  1. Business Awareness comprised of 15 questions amongst which about 6-8 questions were difficult.
  2. A score of 6 would have been sufficient in this segment. Attempting all the GA questions would not have taken more than 5-6 minutes.

Successful clearance of the TISSNET Exam is a prerequisite for getting called up to the rounds of Pre-Interview Tests and Personal Interviews. However, the attained score will not be detrimental in the final selection of an aspirant. For management aspirants, the TISSMAT final scores along with Pre Interview Test and Personal Interview scores will be aggregated in a ratio of 30:40:30. Candidates who have opted for other courses; for them, only their Pre Interview Test and Personal Interview scores will be analyzed in a 70:30 ratio.

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