MAT Results 2015 – The candidates can check their results on the link on official website of AIMA by providing any necessary details which are roll number, form number and month of examination.
The candidates can check their result on the link by providing any necessary details which are roll number, form number and month of examination.
Till the result date is declared by AIMA. Keep visiting the site for latest update.
MAT 2015 Score Card:
After the result for MAT is announced AIMA issues MAT Score Card. MAT Score cards are dispatched through normal post during last week of the month of the test. Queries as to non-receipt of MAT Score Cards will be entertained only after 15th of subsequent month. Score Cards are dispatched to the addresses of the candidates captured from MAT Registration Form as marked by the candidates in the ovals.
However a duplicate score card can also be issued on request by following the prescribed procedure.
Note: Request for duplicate Score Card without any fee will be entertained upto 15 days of the declaration of the results. All requests for duplicate Score Card received thereafter will have to be accompanied with a demand draft of Rs. 100/- drawn in favor of 'All India Management Association", payable at New Delhi and should be sent to the official address of AIMA.
Also read :
MAT 2015 score Card Explanation
MAT 2015 Pattern:
MAT is conducted to measure a person's general aptitude and knowledge. The exam is divided in 4 parts:
Language Comprehension: This paper consists of 40 questions and is scheduled for duration of 30 minutes.
Mathematical Skills: This paper consists of 40 questions and is scheduled for duration of30 minutes.
Data Analysis and Sufficiency: This paper consists of 40 questions and is scheduled for duration of 35 minutes.
Intelligence and Critical Reasoning: This paper consists of 40 questions and is scheduled for duration of 30 minutes.
Indian and Global Environment: This paper consists of 40 questions and is scheduled for duration of 15 minutes.
MAT 2015 Result Date:
The official notification for MAT May 2015 has been released. The MAT May paper based exam is scheduled to be conducted on May 3 and the computer based exam will be held on May 9.