Calicut University Releases Revised Exam Guidelines Amid Spike in COVID-19 Cases; Details Here

Amid the spike in the number of covid-19 cases, the Calicut University has officially released the revised exam guidelines for the students. 

It was notified in the guidelines that only 20 students shall be allowed to sit in an exam hall on the exam day. All those students who are infected or are in quarantine can write the Calicut University exams in line with COVID-19 protocols.

C.C. Babu, Controller of Examinations, ordered that the infected persons and those who are in quarantine are eligible to write the exams in line with the protocol laid out by the authorities. Appearing students should sit 1.5 metres apart from each other on each bench.

If the distance between benches cannot be maintained then they can be made to sit in alternate rows. 

The nearest government health centre, fire station, and police station should be informed about the university exams in advance and all the protocols, which should be mandatorily followed. 

Calicut University Courses 2021

Check the Exam Day Instructions Laid down by Calicut University

  • The college premises, examination halls, and the furniture at the exam center should be disinfected before the beginning of the session. 
  • Students should be given access to enter only through the main gate of the college building. 
  • Hand Sanitizer and soap should be provided outside the exam hall. 
  • Students should wear masks while entering and should continue wearing the same until the end of the exam. 
  • The students should maintain physical distancing and should not exchange their articles. 
  • Even the examiners should wear face masks and gloves, the order added.

Furthermore, Calicut University has released the exams schedule for entrance exams for admissions into UG, PG courses for the academic year 2021-22. 

These UG/ PG entrance exams have been scheduled to be conducted from today onwards; i.e. August 17, 2021. Candidates can check the official examination schedule at

Calicut University PG Admission 2021: Admit Card for Entrance Exam Released
