Mr. R. Chandrasekar is the Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmacognosy at Seven Hills College of Pharmacy (SHCP), Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh. He has completed his B. Pharmacy (UG) and Master of Pharmacy (PG) in the department of Phytopharmacy and Phytomedicine. He has 13 years of academic experience in the field of pharmacy. He has more than 50 research publications in national and international peer-reviewed open access journals. His area of research is evaluation, extraction, standardization, isolation and characterization of bioactive phytoconstituents from natural products.


What are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?

“The process of scheduling, planning, and monitoring lectures and practicals”

Roles and responsibilities can be initiated by planning, schedule, and organize, coordinate and monitor lectures and practicals for the students assigned. My responsibilities include completing the syllabi in the subjects assigned and helping students grow in the process. Additionally, I prepare lectures, plan execution, materials and course materials. 

How do you try to bring in a practical approach towards subjects?

"Students are involved in project work and research activities"

We bring a practical approach by providing guidance and assistance to students as they perform practical tasks and skill exercises, assisting them with their project work, and research activities. Practical work provides a better idea of things that are carried out in the industry. It enables the students to be aware of the standards, rules, and regulations which are being followed in the industrial environment. 

How do you help your student to cope up in the competitive world?

“Constant encouragement and positive motivation for healthy competition”

Making the student take responsibility for their goals can encourage the competitive spirit of that student. We should expose them to practical training, encourage them to apply for, participate in, and excel in small and large competitions.

How does the curriculum ensure the best practice of the industry?

“It is developed in collaboration with industry experts and academic leaders”

In today’s educational system, the participation of industries in curriculum design and delivery at institutions and universities is very much essential. It helps prepare the students for employment and understanding the market needs in-depth. This will bridge the gap between the industry and institutions and will enable the students to become industry-ready.

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How does the department enhance the skills of the faculty?

“Motivating them towards research activities, paper publications and getting grants”

Teaching effectiveness should be judged by the quality and extent of student learning. Many different teaching styles and methods are likely to be effective. Valid summative assessments of teaching can be implemented for promotion. How to improve current instruction through student feedback, faculty should be encouraged to develop curricula. Faculties should be involved in research activities, quality publications, applying for research grants to funding agencies, and applying for patents. 

What do you see as the department’s greatest strengths?

“A modern pedagogy and cooperative learning approach”

The enhancing strengths are letting students utilize life experiences for their coursework, hands-on training and experience, special classes, etc. Cooperative learning approaches include group discussion in class, integrating technology like a slide presentation, PowerPoint, research activities and papers publications, etc. Hands-on training for programs, collaborative projects, and student-centered assignments are also motivated. 

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What valuable advice would you like to give the students?

“Build perseverance and seek value in criticism and feedback”

Explore the possibilities when you meet people and assume that every person is a possible doorway to a new opportunity. Get there early, and consider yourself a lifelong learner. Reflect deeply on your career path, cultivate perseverance and seek value in criticism and feedback.