Offering an enriching degree programme that allows students to grow into great professionals is almost expected out of good colleges today. But to create an environment on campus that nurtures learning even outside the classroom is a choice that few institutions make. One of the colleges that has always put students at the top of the priority pyramid is Symbiosis Institute of Media and Communication (SIMC), Pune.
Apart from presenting wholesome courses, they have taken the onus of creating a bunch of student enterprises on campus that are centrifugal in promoting leadership skills, community building, healthy competition, and more. These enterprises work towards the personal development of students allowing them a creative outlet (or more than one) to channel their talents and hone their skills.
At SIMC Pune, student enterprises are of two kinds - cells and circles. The cells are student bodies that engage with the industry in different aspects and aim to bridge the gap between the demand and supply of media professionals. The circles, on the other hand, are student groups that are focussed on co-curricular activities for, of and by the students. The sheer diversity of clubs gives students the opportunity to explore their personalities and facets.

The Different Cells
There are around 18 cells at SIMC Pune, serving different purposes and strengthening the institute-industry relationship. They include everything from a placement cell for both the flagship courses (MBA (CM) and MA (MC)), Alumni Relations Cell, Campus Connect, Corporate Interface Teams individually for MBA, Journalism and Audio-visual communication, and many more.
Along with helping students find their niche in the industry through regular interactions with some of the finest professionals in the country, SIMC Pune also has SIMCare, which reminds people of their responsibility towards society and instills a sense of balance. SIMCare is a cell that works towards the welfare of the students as well as the society through events, workshops, campaigns, etc.
If you identify as someone who has managerial qualities and aspires to lead a team of people in your professional life, SIMC Pune gives you the practice you need through different cells like the co-curricular cell, logistics cell, creative cell, etc. They allow you to work with a team of members who organise activities, work together and achieve goals.
Another cell that is an enriching value addition is the projects cell, which brings challenging projects from the industry for the students. Working in tandem with the placement cell, the alumni relations, campus connect and the student academic forum, this cell gives students the opportunity to understand real corporate life problems, work in a team and solve them. There is also a wellness cell, which works towards holistic student wellness, including mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, intellectual, social and environmental.
Whether you are a dancer, music enthusiast, fashionista or lover of any other art form, SIMC offers you a student community that will help you grow your skills and engage with fellow students with the same interests. Some of their student circles include SIMChoreo, Music Circle, Photography Circle, Poetry Circle, SIMCouture and the Drama Circle. Each of these circles offers an environment of respite from the academic activities where students sit together and let out their artistic sides.
Another interesting circle is the marketing society which came into being in 2018-19, and has students from across batches. This society looks into everything marketing, delves deep into campaigns that have outshone others, tips and tricks of the field, different verticals under marketing and so much more. It also challenges students through games, quizzes, face-offs, etc. All in all, SIMC Pune offers students the best of the best, in terms of both academics and personality growth. The campus is filled with opportunities for students to explore themselves, break their shells and develop into versatile professionals.