Dr Baiju Antony CM is presently working as the Principal at DE PAUL FIRST GRADE COLLEGE, Mysore. He has a vast experience of serving as Principal, Director and academic Administrator at various institutions in India and abroad. With a Ph.D. in Higher Education Leadership Management and Policy from Hall University, New Jersey, USA, Dr Antony CM is a profound leader, educationist and philanthropist working for the upliftment of education and society as a whole. 


What is your philosophy of leadership?

“Service and upliftment to each of the member”

My leadership philosophy is focused on Servant Leadership, which places the leader in any association at the service of its members. It upholds the development and fulfilment of the associates and through that achieve the desired outcome of the association. In my leadership style, I value every associate who works with me in the organization and involve them actively in the day-to-day life of the college. The organization provides platforms to the associates to use their abilities and potentialities for the better life of the organization and to enhance their skills for their personal and professional fulfilment.

What can an inbound student gain from studying here in your college?

“Learner-oriented and standard academic environment”

Our institute provides a multicultural educational scenario for the students, along with many student-focused centres and associations that set the platform for holistic development. We are student-centred and growth-driven that make our students excel in studies and other areas of personality and profession. We have unique approaches and are a standard bearer in higher education in terms of academic programmes and quality. We have achieved high standards in terms of quality of faculty and students as well. Moreover, De Paul College is an environmentally beautiful and serene campus that suits well for efficient academic pursuit.

How does the curriculum of De Paul College ensure the best practice of industry?

“Industry integration and expert faculty”

De Paul College has its faculty with both academic and industry experiences who bring their rich knowledge and expertise to the classrooms. Besides, we have a strong network with industries in Mysore where students go for internships and projects. The different centres of the college bring in experts from industry to interact with students. These opportunities present to our students the knowledge about the best practices in industry. Our educational philosophy is shaped on the principle of Future-Ready Graduates. Hence, our curricular and co-curricular programmes provide the opportunities to our students to be future-ready by the end of their studies.


How is your college more welcoming to students of diverse backgrounds?

“Bringing in healthy relations and addressing needs of all”

De Paul has a multicultural student community. Through different types of scholarships and fee concessions, the institute welcomes students from lower economic backgrounds. The college also caters to the needs of students from different races by addressing their needs on language, food, and ethnicity. De Paul College highlights the ‘family’ dimension of the organization in which each member is regarded and recognized. We appreciate the good in others and support whenever needed.

What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the students are?

“Enhancement, inspiration and empowerment”

My role as Principal of the college is to provide leadership and inspiration to the students for their professional advancement and well-being. I ought to inspire and instil in the students a passion for knowledge and to pursue their goals both in life as well as in career. I take the responsibility of offering the best available services and resources so that they become professional graduates and take this nation ahead. 

What do you think should be the College’s top priority over the next 10 years?

“Elevating courses and collaborations”

De Paul College aspires to increase the number of academic programmes and offer students an array of disciplines to choose from. Also, we need to enhance national and international collaborations with universities, colleges and independent organizations for quality check and curriculum design. We are also planning to introduce academic programmes that make our college a unique institution. 


What are the biggest challenges you see for higher education at De Paul College?

“Improving quality and standard recognition at national level”

The biggest challenge is to accommodate the demand for education that is ever increasing, and to improve the standard and quality the foremost at affordable prices. The immediate challenge of De Paul College is to be accredited with NAAC and to establish a network with international industries and organizations.