Dr. N Trilochana is the Director of I.P.S.R. Group Of Institutions. She has qualified the Doctor of Philosophy Degree by research for the thesis entitled “Pharmacological Investigation (Anti-diabetic) and Formulation studies of selected herbal drugs in normal and diabetic rats” from Andhra University Visakhapatnam. She has 20 years of experience in the education field.

IPSR Group of Institution

What is your leadership philosophy?

"Leadership is all about impacting others' life positively"

I believe that Leadership is about inspiring and encouraging others and providing them with the confidence they need to see their full potential through your work. It's about building a positive environment where people can thrive and use their skills to the best of their ability. Coming to my approach, then I assist my team whenever required to foster healthy communications and innovative ideas. I value the opinion of others, respect their beliefs and listen to their concerns with an unbiased mind. In other words, I lead with heart and use my leadership platform to cultivate a positive place for others' growth. 

When you first came to this college, what was your vision for it?

"To produce best quality professional by providing best quality education to students"

When I joined this college, my vision was to provide open opportunities to young generations to build up their careers as world-class professionals and versatile personalities to meet the challenges of global competition. I also aspire to maintain a professional, ethical, and respectful workplace in our institution that is mutually supportive and open to diversity and fosters open communication and sharing of ideas and resources whenever possible. We here at IPSR, maintain a strong focus on sustainability in our teaching and research. My last aim was to build the physical, infrastructure, and human resource capacity to provide students a high-quality, world-class education and expand our world-class research capabilities, to build our research base by strengthening ties between the Faculty, the University, the community and the industry.

What is the difference between the Indian and foreign education systems?

"We definitely need to change the Indian approach of educating youths"

The education system in India is very different from the education system of foreign countries. Often, Indian education is criticized for not providing a diverse platform to students where they get an opportunity of learning practically. I believe that the surroundings, source process and various other factors are essential to lay the foundation of educating others. Today, while many definitive measures are being taken to improve the state of Indian education, there is still a long way to go to achieve the standard of education. Until then, the path of education abroad can help Indian students get an education that is at par with their peers in an international workforce.

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How can students be prepared to meet the expectations of ever-changing Industrial needs?

"They can be prepared by giving the right kind of education at right time"

The technical manpower required by the industries is provided by the Institutions. In this context, a need has been felt to have this interaction at different levels. In the initial years of the growth and development of technical education, this interaction has been restricted mainly to the placement of students. Rapid developments are happening in the area of technology, which is transforming every possible domain. After careful consideration of these factors, we felt that there is a need for strong partnerships between academic institutions and the industry. Because all these will educate and prepare students to be future-ready and accelerate innovations in the field of science and technology. There are immense possibilities of linkages in several areas including placements, curriculum redesign, teacher re-orientation, affiliated science and technology parks, joint research, and taking the outcome of research to the market.

Why are extracurricular activities important for students' growth and which activities are organized in your college?

"To foster development and growth of students"

We all know very well that the primary goal of extracurricular activities is to offer learning opportunities at the student level, institutional level and finally the community level. These activities exist to complement the university's academic curriculum and augment the student's educational experience. Specifically, a student's peer group is the most important source of influence on a student's academic and personal development. Hence our college has excellent extra-curricular activities, sports culture, well-organized extension, community service programs and outreach activities by students and faculty.

How do you establish a healthy relationship and environment in the college for students of different backgrounds?

"By assisting students whenever required and resolving their issues on time"

I believe that ensuring positive relationships with students is very crucial for every institution. When students feel supported, they’re more likely to engage in learning and have better academic outcomes. Plus, when students have positive interactions with teachers, they have fewer behavioral problems. These relationships are more important and also more challenging.

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What are the greatest strengths of your college?

"People who make us are our students, faculty and infrastructure"

For us, everyone who works with us and works for us contributes equally to making us strong and If I have to name them, they are 

  • Our well-trained, research-oriented, experienced dedicated and energetic teaching faculty, supportive non-teaching and laboratory staff.
  • Excellent and well-maintained infrastructure in the form of new buildings, prolific libraries, smart classrooms and well-equipped laboratories.
  • Impressive and excellent results at University Examinations and our publications in research journals.
  • Simple and Transparent Admission procedure and as a result we have a very good strength of students with a high enrollment ratio of SC/ST/OBC with a dominant female student ratio.

Any suggestions which you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

"Keep upgrading yourself by acquiring new skills over time"

In a world of rapid change, young people need the right mix of skills to thrive. Access to information is increasing, and memorizing facts is less important today than in the past. Although academic skills remain important, they are not sufficient to foster thoughtful, productive, and engaged citizens. Hence I would advise my young generation to develop a greater breadth of skills including strong communication, teamwork, critical thinking and flexibility to evaluate and apply knowledge in ways that meet the new demands of our changing social and economic landscape.