Asia Pacific Institute of Management

Mr Gruvish Gajjar is the Director of Asia Pacific Institute of Management. He is a multifaceted individual who takes a keen interest in exploring the academic sector and significantly contributing to the same with his achievements. 

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

“I believe in agile leadership style”

The generation of today, people work for their social status and just not for earning money. Leadership should change depending on the type of people you are dealing with. I also belong to this generation and it helps me understand the needs of the people around in the best way possible.

How do you strategize about the key programs and plans for the marketing and administration of your college?

“Everyone believes that mouth marketing is the best marketing”

Giving quality education and maximum industry exposure is true marketing. We will complete our 25 years in 2021. This institute has a 98% placement ratio till date in hotel management, tourism and airlines. Asia Pacific Group of colleges always gives more weightage to practical than theory.

Check Asia Pacific Institute of Management Courses & Fees

Any insights into how your institute could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

“The students are given every opportunity to get the best education”

Students here do come from different states and countries. We have a lot of scholarship schemes designed by the Gujarat government based on caste, and also from the central government and education department. Even the institute has certain merit-based scholarships to offer. 

“Asia Pacific Institute of Hotel Management is the first institute in Ahmedabad to get an AICTE approval.”

What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the institute and the students are?

“Being a facilitator for the students”

I believe that it is my responsibility to nurture the growth of the student in the best possible way. Good and efficient management is the key to success for all the institutes. An institute’s top priority should be to provide every student with what they need in order to grow and develop. 

When you first came to Asia Pacific Institute, what was your vision for the institute? Has it evolved, and how far along in implementing that vision are you?

“The vision has always been being a centre of excellence”

Over the years, we have gone through multiple changes. The significant areas being training and placements, infrastructure, etc. The institute’s vision and mine are aligned. We always strive to improve the facilities so that the student’s journey remains a memorable one. Coming to placements, students are given the best education and training. This has enabled us to retain our placement rates.

Click here Asia Pacific Institute of Management Placement

How do you tend to establish a healthy relation and environment in your institute?

“A transparent management does all the work”

We organize lots of student engagement activities in our institute. Cultural, social, and educational activities facilitate teamwork where the students are given the opportunity to lead, manage, and organize the events. Honing the skills and giving a platform to the creative minds makes them connected to the institute, which in turn helps in establishing a healthy environment.