Mr. Kaushik Sarkar has been working as the Senior Faculty of F&B at Chennais Amirta International Institute of Hotel Management, Hyderabad, Telangana. He has done Diploma in Hotel Management, Catering and Applied Nutrition from DSMS of Durgapur in 1997 and has worked in many hotels with a total industrial experience of 9 years and in 2007 he switched to education sector.

CAIIHM Hyderabad

What are your roles and basic duties towards the students?

"I am accountable to provide best quality education and guidance to my students"

Being the Senior Faculty of our college, my prime responsibilities towards students is to provide them good education and guidance so that they can travel fearlessly even on unknown paths and can explore things on their own by coming out of their comfort zone. 

How do you build healthy relations with the students and fellow faculty of your college?

"By being their mentor, support system and reliable friend and colleague"

I regularly interact with them through a transparent and trustworthy communication channel to maintain a cordial and calm relationship between us. Also, I mentor my students whenever they get stuck somewhere and need some motivation. And when it comes to Faculties, I never indulge myself in gossip, and when I connect with them, I listen to their queries and issues with full attention so that I can resolve them on time. 

How do you introduce a non-theoretical and industry oriented approach towards subjects?

"By inculcating best practices of industries in my teaching methodologies"

In order to introduce an industry printed approach in subjects I teach to students, I regularly keep myself updated about the current trends and evolving needs of the industrial world. After this, I try my best to include those developments in my teaching pedagogies and practices so that best content could be delivered to students. 

Which supreme facilities are offered by your department to students to help them gain necessary skills?

"We teach students using case studies and rigorously conducts practical to make them understand concepts"

With the intention of refining students' knowledge, our department organizes Industrial visits, conducts more experiments in labs and uses real time case studies to deliver lectures as and when required. 

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How does your department prepare students for Higher education?

"They are provided every possible help and support to prepare for admission in higher degree courses"

In my opinion, genuine learning efforts never go into vain. And higher education is essential for nowadays youths as it helps them to enhance their subject practical knowledge, working approach and also improves their vision. And our Department helps and assists the students in every possible way so that they can upgrade their skills and get more exposure to the outside world.

How do you groom your students to sustain in the outside competitive world?

"By strengthening their subject knowledge and keeping them aware of industry trends and developments"

For the purpose of preparing my students for the outside competitive world, I strengthen their basic knowledge through rigorous revision classes and training programs and also keep them updated about the latest happenings, trends and expectations of the industrial world so that they can thoroughly prepare themselves. 

Which extracurricular activities are organized by your college to enhance the skills of students?

"Quizzes, professional visits, workshops and field visits are organized by us from time to time"

We firmly believe that only theoretical knowledge is not enough in enhancing students' personality and skills and they need to have some ground level exposure. Therefore, we conduct field surveys in esteemed hotels and industries, quiz contests, industrial visits, demonstration and workshops on various topics along with skill development sessions on a regular basis. In addition to this, various kinds of mini-major projects are assigned to students so that they can utilize their existing skills to build some amazing products and also build new skills in the process. 

What problems are you facing in uplifting the education quality of your department?

"Insufficient interaction time with students and lack of library are two major challenges in front of us"

I have come across different kinds of challenges while uplifting the education quality of our department and overall college. And the very first issue is that we as Teachers get very less time to interact with our students and deliver them course content, because on an average I only get 3-3.5 hours every day to deliver lectures and address their queries and ultimately it becomes nearly impossible to complete the subjects syllabus before the deadline. Apart from this, there are no library or seminar halls in college through which we can supplement the knowledge of our students and help them academically.

How does the curriculum of your college is in line with best industrial practices?

"Our curriculum is designed as per industrial demands hence includes best practices by default"

We design and update the curriculum of our college on a regular basis after rigorous analysis and research on latest trends, development and expectations of the hospitality industries to make sure our curriculum stays compliant with best practices and standards of the corporate world. And we also make sure our students receive the finest quality education and amenities in the form of practical learning sessions, assignments and audio visual aids to develop themselves on both personal and professional fronts.

What approaches do you bring in other than the curriculum to teach students?

"We conduct workshops, competitions and industry connect sessions on a regular basis"

With the aim of educating students beyond books, our college regularly organizes a diverse range of events and programmes like blended workshops, innovative competitions, napkin folding competitions and grape storming sessions to give knowledge of the preparation process of wine and other alcoholic beverages to students. Also, guest lectures are conducted in collaboration with guests and experts of the hospitality world to give an overview of outside world trends, development and requirements to our young minds.

What do you see as your college’s greatest strengths and how it can be enhanced?

"Our management is our biggest support system and strength as well"

The main pillar of our college's greatest strength is the support and guidance we receive from our management regularly as it helps us to easily avail college facilities and opportunities which are especially curated for the benefit of students, teachers and staff members.

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Any precious advice which you would like to give to the students for a prosperous career ahead?

"Keep doing the hard work with patience and perseverance and you will surely achieve your goals"

I would suggest to my dear students to stay focused, dedicated and persistent towards their life goals and never run away from doing hard work to turn their aim into reality. Also, keep upgrading your skills and gather hands-on experience for concepts that are taught to you in classrooms. Lastly, live your life to the fullest and make best use of your time and resources available to you.