Ar. Manoj Parelkar is a Professor at Smt. K.L. Tiwari College of Architecture (SKLTCOA), Mumbai. A practicing architect and academician, he has completed his B.Arch and M.Arch studies in Environmental Architecture. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in architecture. He has worked extensively on various architectural projects. He was also a guide for M.arch students at Rachana Sansad’s Department of Environmental Architecture.
What are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?
“To be a role model that establishes professional values”
I ensure to maintain the interest level of the students in various subjects of architecture along with curiosity. I also work out assignments that have a gradual increase in complexity so that students are exposed to challenges gradually. Imbibing respect towards the profession of architecture and inculcating professional behavior and professionalism is my responsibility.
How do you try to bring in a practical approach towards subjects?
“We believe in the experiential learning experience for the students”
I work out assignments based on current industry trends for the students. Also, encourage & guide students to conduct live case studies, and accompany students on the case study of projects to guide them. We regularly invite industry experts for giving guidance on relevant topics and techniques.
How does your department prepare students for Higher education?
“An in-depth knowledge regarding higher education courses and its details is provided”
These are done by explaining to them courses and various specializations, colleges, and universities offering them, course expenses, preferred locations, career prospects after higher education. We also regularly invite students who have recently completed their higher education from Indian & foreign universities to share their experiences and views along with Q & A sessions.
Read Smt. K.L. Tiwari College of Architecture Courses & Fees
Do you have any extracurricular activities to enhance the skills of the students?
“Industrial collaborations, Site visits, and educational tours”
- We organize study tours to tribal, rural, semi-urban, urban locations for hands-on learning, based on community participation.
- Tie-ups with several leading architectural firms for providing experiential learning on their live on-going projects.
- On-site Documentation tours, Participation in industry curated competitions, Encouragement for attending industry-based conferences and seminars.
- Guided visits to buildings of complex nature or systems. Encouragement for participation in sports & fests.
How does the curriculum of your college ensure the best practice of the industry?
“Flexibility and opportunity to select a wide variety of courses for skill development”
The curriculum of UoM for B. Arch. offers ample opportunity to us to conduct various elective based courses for students. We offer courses like sustainability, journalism, film set design, photography, vernacular construction, latest software training, etc to name a few.
What are the approaches you bring in apart from the curriculum to train the students?
“We make an effort to bring in a professional approach to the assignments”
I believe in a direct hands-on approach and hence the student is expected to work on their project like a professional with team-work. Right from conceptualization to the presentation of work. I try to support my interventions by showcasing real-time examples. The interventions are intended to eradicate fear or apprehension factor in, students.
What do you see as the college’s greatest strengths?
“Practise based learning and attention to every single student are few of our strengths”
Our strength lies in the “One to one” approach, I believe that is because of the intake strength that we have. We can give attention to one and all students without any stress. The strength also lies in our experiential learning approach for as many subjects as possible. It can be enhanced by inviting students to exchange programs in the future.
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What valuable advice would you like to the students for a prosperous career ahead?
“Learn as many things as possible and always keep your vision on the right career path”
As a student, you should expose yourself to various aspects of the profession, which will help you to develop your preferences for higher studies or specializations later. Give yourself time to learn new skills, do not expect overnight results. Focus on your strengths and don’t compare with others, all have different approaches. Believe in yourself and focus.