Mr. Kali Prasad Gadiraju is currently chairman at EThames College of Business. He has had a long career for four decades and has advised almost 100 large organizations. He has many degrees and professional certifications namely M.Com, M.A in Economics, and PG Diploma in Marketing and Sales Management. He is a Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) from The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), USA, Certified Information Systems Audit (CISA) from the Information System Audit and Control Association (ISACA). He has been a well-recognized professional leader at the national level. During the last 12 years, he has become a business leader and built EY practice in Hyderabad. Realizing the importance of personality development along with academic excellence, he designed a comprehensive course in Personal Success.

EThames College of Business

What are the key factors that kept you connected to educational institutes?

“Providing Students with the well-equipped educational materials and insights”

I have been a consumer of the talent being churned out by the education sector during my 40 years of consulting career. Whenever I used to interview fresh graduates, I always felt the educational institution could have done a better job. We have good raw material but we are not able to produce great products. When I get the opportunity, I want to make that difference and show the world that we can make it with what we have.

What is your philosophy of leadership?

“Focus on building new leaders and guiding them from behind”

I want to build leaders and guide them from behind. I directly deal with people who are at the forefront of the execution which sometimes creates challenges in hierarchical organizations. Positions and the power associated with that are a consequence of the performance. Whereas people tend to think that the performance depends upon the position and power.

How do you strategize the key plans for the marketing and administration of your school?

“Promoting on various online as well as offline platforms and creating awareness”

I have recently taken over the management of the College. My predecessor has built a great college with excellent academic and placement performance but never focused on marketing. I have started many new and first in the world kinds of programs and we are using various online as well as offline channels to create awareness in the market. Entered into partnership arrangements with various organizations in the ecosystem like Coursera, TiE, and T-hub. Being a business college, we would like to be at the forefront of applying the latest thinking and practices in the management of the college. We will also be using the latest technology tools to deliver the courses and manage the operations.

What do you think should be the Institute’s top priority over the next 5 years?

“Providing students with the best business and technology education”

Our priority is to become one of the top ten city colleges in India for delivering the globally best business and technology education in the next 5 years. This can be done by focusing mainly on the practical approach of the concept. This would help in generating industrial sound students who can easily satisfy the conditions of the industry.

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How does EThames College of Business differentiate itself from the other Management Colleges?

“Providing students with a blended curriculum for their all-around development”

We are the only college that is building a blended curriculum for the all-around development of the students. To succeed in today’s business world every student needs to focus on building technology, business, and personal skills in equal measure. Our students gain business knowledge through the University syllabus, Coursera provides them technical expertise and EThames School of Success will help them in building personal skills.

What was your vision for the university from the start and how are you implementing it?

“To make EThames the number one institution in everything”

From day one, my vision is to make EThames the number one institution in everything we do. We are already number one in whatever we have been doing. However, we have not focused on communicating that message. We have started many new programs this year and we have achieved more progress than we had planned. You will notice more and more new and innovative things coming from EThames.

What would you like people to know about your university they may not know?

“People should know about our partnership with Coursera and the setting of the Incubation center”

  1. We are the only college offering technology courses along with BBA and B.Com degrees.
  2. We are the only college that has developed a 3 year comprehensive 36 module Personal Success course. This course is offered free to all the students of EThames.
  3. UbuntU is another unique program for the students to learn and succeed together. No other institution in the world is offering this program.
  4. Partnership with Coursera to make truly global education possible at EThames. 
  5. Making student Entrepreneurship possible by setting up an incubation center (E-Combinator) and partnering with TiE Hyderabad and T-Hub.

What do you see as your Institute’s greatest strengths?

“Job guaranteed programs and Outcome-based education are the Institution’s greatest strength”

The greatest strength of the institution are as follows:

  1. Professionalism in running the institution
  2. Focus on Outcome-Based Education
  3. Commitment to deliver the globally best education possible
  4. Innovative and industry-relevant programs
  5. Student Personality Development is the core focus. 
  6. Job Guarantee Program

Any message you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“Students should focus on one thing and prepare for it in the best way”

You can achieve anything that you want in life provided you are prepared to work hard and focus on one thing which you want to be the best in. In case of any queries, please get in touch with us. We would be happy to help you out with your concerns. 

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