Dr Dindayal Swain is the Director at Rajalakshmi School of Business Chennai, Tamil Nadu. He has 23 Plus Years of experience in corporate, academics and Public speaking. With a career first-class record in M.Com, MBA, LLB, he is having varied interests in the field of Digital and Social Media Marketing, Branding, Motivation, Leadership, etc. Beyond corporate experience, as a Professor of Marketing and a Capstone Certified Trainer, he has taught in top business schools in the country like International Management Institute and others for 17 plus years. He featured in the 18 Top global contributors in the area of leadership in the Drucker’s Forum Special Report of 2020. He is in the Conference Advisory Committee of 25 reputed conferences in the world as an advisory body member.

Rajalakshmi School of Business

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“An innate inclination towards lifelong learning and helping students learn from my experiences”

My passion for teaching, research and academic administration has been the biggest motivation to be associated with this sector. I aim to work for the well-being of the students and to help them build their career. 

What is your philosophy of leadership? 

“To build relationships and trust with clear communication”

Leadership is always leading from the front. My job as a leader is to help the team to perform and achieve excellence through hard work, integrity and ownership. I follow the lion for leadership, my copyrighted concept of creating an alignment between thinking, feeling and doing.

What can an inbound student gain from studying here in your College?

“At RSB we provide experiential learning and a globally aligned curriculum”

We are a corporate business school where opportunities are plenty. As our slogan says ‘discover the possibilities’ we motivate our students for a cross-functional and multidisciplinary education. We offer PGDM (2Yrs) full-time program approved by AICTE and MBA(I) to the students. MBA(I) programs allow Indian students to earn a coveted International MBA degree from Swinburne University at an Indian Price. 

Check Rajalakshmi School of Business Courses & Fees

How does the curriculum of your college ensure the best practice of industry?

“An environment of professional development, new initiatives and experiential learning”

In every sphere of our academics, we involve our corporate partners. Starting from syllabus framing to summer internships, we take the strong support of our corporate partners. We have unique programs like Campus to Corporate and CEO talks where we invite top corporate professionals to our campus. This enables us to shape the thinking process of our students and help them build their careers. 

What do you think should be the Institute’s top priority over the next 10 years?

“Mission to impart industry-relevant and globally impactful management education”

RSB will focus on a unique multidisciplinary education system. Along with academics, research, training and consultancy, our focus will be on creating future leaders with universal values. Our focus will be on imbibing the latest technology and skillsets which will prepare students with a unique RSB value system. Corporate connectivity and bridging the gap between Industry and academia will be our key focus. 

What do you see as the greatest strengths of your College?

“Experienced faculty, innovative curriculum and an excellent infrastructure”

We are backed by one of the leading 25-year old education group in Tamilnadu called Rajalakshmi Institutions. We have a strong and experienced Board of Studies along with a top management group. We possess the features of quality intake, good placements and unlimited possibilities for growth.

Click Rajalakshmi School of Business Placement

What are some of the biggest challenges for higher education?

Reducing the gap between academia and corporate industry is a prevalent challenge”

The existing challenges of higher education are :

  • Adapting to the change of the dynamic academic sector at the speed of light.
  • Building world-class technology infrastructure 
  • Preparing students with strong human values, and 
  • Creating an entrepreneurial blend of mind among students in particulars and stakeholders in general.