Interview by Bhawna Rawat

Dr. G. Sivachander is currently working as the Director of SSIM Dwarka. He holds degrees like B.B.A (Business Administration), M.Sc (Business Administration), M.B.A (Applied Psychology) and a Doctorate degree in Business Administration. He has published and presented various research papers.
Dr. Sivachander believes that everyone should contribute something to the society as the society plays an important part in an individual’s growth. After working for 7 years in the Industry he switched his career to Academics, where he has an experience of 7 years and still counting. He has a valuable experience of working in different positions like Lecturer, Stores Administrator, Finance Administrator, Accounts Assistant, Human Resource Manager.
Experience in the education industry and what makes it the best industry to work in
According to me, this Education Industry is doing a genuine service towards young youths. And moreover, only with the help of this industry, we can build a value system and ethical practices within the student’s community. The reason behind why I am in this industry is that I would like to contribute something to my people and my society, from where I have received the opportunity to grow and who have taught me good morals which make me to still move on further, through research.
Leadership is about knowing what your targets are and how you can achieve it
The Philosophy of Leadership is not as simple as saying who can lead others, that is not called leadership. The one who knows how to achieve his/her targets or goals on his/her own and also teaches everything to all his/her subordinates is a true leader. Leadership is not a responsibility, it’s a quality which anyone can develop at any point in time. Being a good leader means she/he still has that urge to learn something new towards success.
The significant challenges faced while working with different Institutions
Not Exactly, I would say a unique challenge which we have to face only in the Education Industry, it’s like now a day’s everyone is running after marks. I must share my views on this. See, no company will recruit the candidates based on the marks rather on the basis of the knowledge and skills. So, students must show interest to enrich the knowledge instead of marks.
SSIM is ensuring the growth of students to prepare them for cracking the placements’ interviews
Here, we have to say that we were providing 100% placements for our students based on their talent and requirements. Here, we must understand a truth. Placements don’t mean giving an offer or appointment for a job. We are creating a good platform and a bridge between students and recruiters so that students can prove themselves with their talents and crack the interview on their own.
In SSIM, We are guiding our students in how to crack interviews etc. So, it helps them to grab an opportunity before completing their PGDM.
Establishing and maintaining a relationship with the students
The Students are like the Stakeholders and moreover, it is like growing together. Actually, students are mature enough and updating themselves with so many details that sometimes the things which they discuss with us are really new as well as exciting. According to me, students are like surprising elements. They never fail to surprise me. But yes, that surprise is neither positive nor negative.
An ideal school environment is where students can learn to contribute something to their country
Our environment is something different as I told you earlier; we believe in the discussion method of teaching and not the one-way communication lecture series. We always try to make them understand to utilize our country sources. To do so, we can do something for our country too. I think that is very important to add to our academic practices. We make them feel free to share some business ideas with us so that they can start their own venture in the future. This promising environment will create Entrepreneurs, not an employee.
The top qualities that an aspiring manager must possess
It’s really a tough one to answer because qualities for a position, particularly as a manager, he/she must understand the situation and take decisions quickly which helps in the growth of the organization. I need to add some other qualities, like a Manager should keep her/his nature cool in all situations and must keep aside his/her personal needs and wants.
Goals for SSIM for the upcoming years
I have many dreams, first I must concentrate on the exposure of the students the part where most of the educational institutes fail and we are planning to make good collaboration with overseas institutes. So, we can send our students to overseas for short-term courses to grab knowledge through the overseas platform.
A suggestion for the youth to choose their lifestyle carefully
I have found that the youngsters of today are good enough and responsible but I just need to say a few words regarding their lifestyle. These days I found most of the youth wish to show that they are too modern while adopting westernize outfits.
We should not forget now that western countries are trying to follow our cultural value system which will help them to lead their lives in a pleasant way.