14th February 2018, Chennai: The Department of Chemistry, SRM Institute of Science and Technology (SRMIST) is organizing the 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Material Chemistry (ICRAMC - 2018) during 14-16, February 2018 at the SRM Institute of Science and Technology in association with Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), France and IRD India. The theme of the conference is to discuss the recent research advancements in the field of Materials Chemistry and the new strategies for the development of novel materials for the Global requirement.
The inaugural function was held on 14th Feb-2018 at Dr. T.P. Ganesan Auditorium, SRMIST, Kattankulathur. The Chief Guest Prof. Virander Singh Chauhan, Chairman, NAAC Executive Committee, inaugurated the conference and released the proceedings. Dr. T. R. Paarivendhar, Founder Chancellor, SRM Institute of Science and Technology presided over the function. Dr. D. John Thiruvadigal, Dean of Sciences introduced the chief guest. Dr. M. Arthanareeswari, Convenor ICRAMC 2018 welcomed the delegates. Dr. K. Ananathanarayanan, Coordinator ICRAMC 2018 delivered the vote of thanks.
The Chief Guest, Prof. Virander Singh Chauhan, inaugurated the conference along with a magnificent presentation on translational research. He highlighted the importance of the interdisciplinary research and conferences for having fantastic research discussion on science and exchanging thoughts for scientific advancements. He stressed students to ask fundamental questions and do research for the societal cause.
Dr. T. R. Paarivendhar, Founder Chancellor, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, gave the presidential address. He mentioned the conference would provide the platform to share wonderful ideas and wished the conference a grand success. He suggested the chemistry department should conduct such conferences frequently to discuss and share the remarkable advancements in their field. He then mentioned the importance of chemistry saying that it plays a crucial role in our everyday life and even the Nobel Prize would not have originated without the research on chemistry by Alfred Nobel. He then welcomed the invited speakers and gave the mementoes.
The special address was given by the invited speakers, Prof. Dr. Ing. Jens Haueisen from, BMTI, Germany, Dr. Eric Doris from CEA, France and Prof. Chang Woo Lee from Kyung Hee University, South Korea. The key message cited by the invited speakers was science is all about asking questions and answering them. They wished the conference as a medium for exchanging ideas and make collaborations across the countries.
After the grand inauguration, the conference proceeded for the technical session. The conference comprises of 12 technical sessions with presentations by invited speakers and participants from all around the world. The invited speakers are expertise in material chemistry and related fields, viz, Prof. Dr. Ing. Jens Haueisen from, BMTI, Germany, Dr. Eric Doris from CEA, France, Prof. Chang Woo Lee from Kyung Hee University, South Korea, Dr. B.Chandrasekaran, CLRI, Chennai, Dr. Davide Audisio, Dr. Edmond Gravel, Dr. Frederic Taran, and Dr. Gregory Pieters from CEA, France, Prof. Majdi Hochlaf, Université Paris-Est, France, Prof. Sangaraju Shanmugam, DGIST, South Korea and Prof. M. Selvaraj, Jiangsu University, China. The conference has been contributed with more than 300 research articles which will be submitted as full manuscripts for publication in the Materials Today Proceedings (Elsevier). The conference features invited and contributed talks as well as poster sessions organized in different sessions.
The Honorable Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi and the Honorable Vice President of India Shri. M. Venkaiah Naidu greeted the conference with their messages for its success.