Don Bosco College

Dr. Cedric Silveria is the Principal of Don Bosco College, Panji, Goa. He has a great ability to work well as part of a team or independently. He is known for his good communication skills both verbal and written. He happens to be a great asset to the University. He holds recognizable experience in the field of teaching and education.

What is your philosophy of leadership? What style do you follow?

“Democratic leadership is my style to prospect the capabilities of the institute”

The leadership style which should be followed is the participative style where everyone can voice their opinions, rather than the leader only taking decisions by himself. This leads to better work getting done and motivation on the part of the other teachers because then they work for goals or objectives which they have set. I think that a leader should lead by example. If anything has to be done, then it should be the Principal who has to put his hand up first. It shows that the leader is not afraid of any situation and is ready to face the consequences. 

How does the curriculum of Don Bosco College ensure the best practice of industry?

“The practical learning with experiential internships and training”

  • We provide the students with adequate feedback to embark on a professional career with meaning.
  • In addition to providing key inputs related to the particular program, students are given additional training programs through various academic seminars, workshops, and extension lecturers to improve their professional skills. 
  • The provisions for obtaining an additional qualification in the field of soft skills, quality benchmarks, and IT skills have also been established.

Any insights into how your university could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

“The college promotes anti-racism and signifies the unity of students”

Here at Don Bosco College, we believe that interacting with people from diverse backgrounds increases critical thinking. Diversity in education improves academic and interpersonal skills. When preparing students for the workforce we make sure to prioritize diversity and inclusion to make everyone feel welcome on campus.

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What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the University and the students are?

“Principal holds all the responsibilities of all the departments”

As a principal from my role, I have several responsibilities in my pocket. I have to manage the structure of the working of our academics, research, and several other activities. I keep it as a duty of mine to provide professional training for high-level jobs, as well as the education necessary for the development of the personality while building new institutions of civil society, in developing new cultural values, and in training and socializing people of the new social era.

What do you think should be the College’s top priority over the next 10 years?

“Association with International Firms and institutes for better exploration for students”

Aligning our curriculum to that of international standards so that our students never feel disadvantaged if they wish to venture out of the state or country. But while professional enhancement of students and teachers is certainly our focus, we will continue to give importance to the instilling of values to ensure that we create students who can contribute positively to society.

When you first came to Don Bosco College, what was your vision for the college? Has it evolved, and how far along in implementing that vision are you?

“Evolution still is carrying on with development and growth”

Honestly, we started with the basic idea of wanting to provide quality education to our students. While that still is a core belief, we are evolving with changing times and are now looking to ensure that our college is on par with technological changes and infrastructural requirements as well as in terms of academics. But as you know, change and progress are things that do take time, and things done in haste tend to go to waste so we should approach the process in a well-thought manner even if that means it'll take a while for us to see the fruits of our efforts.

What would you like people to know about your university they may not know?

“The improvement and enhancement of the facilities at the College”

  • We as a college are moving away from accepting students who did the most “stuff” to look for those who focus their energy on specific areas that they’re passionate about. 
  • We want to see what makes you special and how hard you’re willing to work at the things you care about. 
  • Knowing what exactly the students want to do in life helps you to make the best possible choices for college prep and to craft a better application when the time comes. 
  • What we also would wish to highlight about our college is the extensive importance given to values and discipline in the overall creation of good individuals.

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Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“Respect, Learn, achieve, fail and work hard”

  • Don’t go for the certificate, go for the knowledge and skills, that way you increase your chance of being hired by a better organization
  • Respect time, time will respect you. Don’t just spend time or just unnecessarily waste it, but think how can I wisely invest time which can make a difference in my life.
  • Develop the skill of concentrating on one thing at a time and stay with it till it is done. Constantly work towards increasing your attention span especially for those things that can make a major difference in your life.
  • Get out of the job mindset, explore new avenues, see how you can be your boss
  • Don’t let a hard lesson harden your heart, explore healthy responses to anger. Look for the positive messages behind your negative emotions. Recognize stress and find ways to reduce it in your life

How do you tend to establish a healthy relation and environment in your college?

 “Open communication with mutual understanding and respect”

In our college, we have a mentor system that has been put in place. This enables the students to always reach out to their mentors not only to receive guidance on academics but in other personal spheres as well. We strive to create an open environment for our students where they do not feel judged but instead are encouraged to give voice to their thoughts and opinions to help them understand things and grow by themselves. Active discussions on general topics about life and society are often taken up in classes so that education is not entirely separated from the real world.