Savina Bansal is the Director at Giani Zail Singh Campus College of Engineering & Tech, Punjab. She holds a Ph.D. with a master's and under graduation in physics and Photonics. She is a part of the institute’s decision making. She works to make her students the very best in her field of education and to polish them to be excellent Engineers for the Nation and themselves. She has professional experience of more than 30 years in education.

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“The connectivity with innovation and satisfaction to contribute to Nation’s growth are key factors”

It is ‘Regular connectivity’ with the young minds that in turn reflect the issues and challenges in front of the society. Another best part is the ‘Satisfaction’ that you get when you see your groomed-up students holding key positions and contributing to their families and the society at large.

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

“I prefer team leadership with every member contributing to decision making and ideas”

I believe in the philosophy of growing together. It may be between teacher-student relationships or between an administrative Head and a subordinate. I believe in creating a conducive environment, wherein people feel connected with their Departments/sections/college and university. Furthermore, I believe everyone has some potential that needs to be groomed for the overall progress of the Institute and an individual. I also strongly believe in giving an equal opportunity to grow while learning and serving so that people serve willingly and feel connected resulting in efficacy in administration. 

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How do you strategize about the key programs and plans for the marketing and administration of your department?

“The innovations and efforts of the student association is our marketing brand”

  1. We have our independent Public-relation office that plans and executes such decisions. 
  2. Our alumni base and hard reputation earned over the period serves the purpose.
  3. We use a digital platform with great insights on social media sites to attract the students for several courses we provide.

The education systems in India and other foreign countries are structured very differently. In your experience, what can an inbound student gain from studying here in your College?

“The advancement of technological development and faculty enhancement”

Over time, technology has changed, but the basic essence of the teaching learning process remains the same. As the faculty is quite experienced (with an average experience of more than 20-years), stable, and well qualified from reputed Institutes of the country, they are capable of adapting and adopting the latest technology quickly and promptly. Further, their non-compromising nature on the quality of imparted skills and knowledge is the biggest asset that we possess to our advantage. Here at our place, more than the academic curriculum, teachers believe in grooming the all-round personality of students. 

How does the curriculum of The Giani Zail Singh College of Engineering and Technology, ensure the best practice of industry?

“Practical learning with experiential training and internships for learning”

  • ‘Industry representatives’ on the BoS are actively involved in shaping the curriculum here. 
  • On the IITs pattern, we have recently successfully started additional optional BTech (Hons) and BTech along-with a Minor Engineering degree program, by qualifying extra 20-credit subjects from the same or a different engineering stream respectively. 
  • We also intend to start from July-2021 onwards (for 2020-admitted students), BTech program with additional optional Specializations in various branches of engineering. 
  • Other than this, the Industrial Internships are an integral part of our basic 4-year degree curriculum after the second and third years.
  • Webinars with industry are also being organized to make all concerned abreast of the latest developments taking place in the industry

What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the College and the students are?

“To maintain and provide the very best to my college members and students of what they exactly deserve”

To give its students, staff, and faculty a conducive and productive work environment, wherein they can explore their best possible talent and potential for the betterment of society and themselves is my main responsibility as a Director.

What do you think should be the College's top priority over the next 10-years?

“Improvement in every arena that requires it for being the foremost in every aspect”

  1. To enhance infrastructure and up-gradation of faculty in general and for the emerging technical challenges so that they can impart the right kind of skill set to the students for the future needs of the Nation. 
  2. Financial self-sustainability with a rich robust endowment fund.
  3. The increased role of Alumni in developmental activities along with meaningful-gainful Employability enhancement.
  4. To find a place in National and International ranking
  5. Increased role towards institute, society, and National development with the impetus to Research along with teaching-learning and Innovation-centric enhancement activities.

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What would you like people to know about your College they may not know? 

“The associations to be mentioned and taken in the note too”

  • Carved in an ideal industrial scenario around the city of Bathinda. This is the first State Government of Punjab established Engineering college in the Government sector, came on the scene in 1989.
  • The college has a rich Alumni support system scattered all over the world.
  • Highly qualified and Stable Faculty is its inherent advantages. 
  • Located on the National highway, the college has around its place; an Oil Refinery; 2-Thermal fired power plants, a big Urea making plant- National Fertilizers Limited, Cement making plant, Vardhman and Sportking yarn/fabric making plants, thus offering an ideal environment for engineering education.