Interview by Kritika Gupta

Woxsen School of Business

Mr. JV Murty is designated as the Vice Chairman of Woxsen School of Business. He carries a rich experience of over 20 years working as the Centre Director of a top known education brand - T.I.M.E. Known for his charismatic and pleasing personality, he is one of the most popular teachers for preparation of CAT.

Mr. Murty holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering from NIT Rourkela. He has written CAT 16 times and standardized tests like GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, and IELTS often times, with a consistent score of 99 percentiles and above in all the tests. He is a highly scholastic and highly esteemed person, revered for his extraordinary communication skills. He is admired by all the students for his mentoring and counselling skills.

His scholarly articles have been published in top-notch papers - The Hindu, The Indian Express and several Telugu papers. Added to that, he was also one of the quiz masters for the AQUA REGIA quiz which held the Guinness book of record for the maximum number of participants. He visited several Universities in the USA, UK, Germany, and Singapore and is highly conversant with the admission procedures for several universities across the Globe. 

Reason and name(s) behind jumping into the education industry

During my school and college days, I was an outright top student. I was a rank holder in both 10th standard and 12th standard and I always had my eyes on education. I enjoy teaching, clarifying doubts and reading books.

I started my career in Vizag steel plant and I worked in the industry for more than 10 years including a stint in SIEMENS in the then West Germany. I met Mr. Viswanath and Manek, Founders of T.I.M.E. Pvt Ltd., who inspired me to join hands with them and that is how it started my career in education. I was a part of the think tank of T.I.M.E. for various courses and development of the methodology in the initial period of the organisation.

I took interest in CAT, GRE, GMAT and fell in love with them. I wrote CAT every year 16 times and scored more than 99 percentile often times. Mr. Veen Pula, the Chairman of Woxsen has offered me the leadership role in Woxsen Schools and I came on-board as our relation goes back to 2004.

Methods opted at WSB to make the student industry ready

We, at Woxsen School of Business, take proper measures to ensure that there is experiential learning (practical learning). The major reason behind this is that learning from the root method/ books/ classes is no more effective for millennials.

We make sure that at least 50% of the faculty come from the industry. Like most of the European business schools, we have built a system where we have a blend of visiting faculty and full-time faculty and have consciously chosen the visiting faculty across industries and Universities both from India and abroad.

Recently, people from Kellogg and Harvard Business School have come and taught our students. Directors and Managers of Organisations have come and taught students as visiting faculty by staying here on the campus for a week or two. The industrial connect becomes merit for the students.

A well-sorted management system offered at Woxsen

It is all about systems. We have designed and framed out seamless systems to ensure that the student gets the best. We have recognised that it is quintessential to design and develop a perfect system to succeed. It requires quality manpower, healthy ambiance and strong leadership to evolve such systems. And we have followed it to the V in Wosen.

Read about Woxsen School of Business Placement

Global experience holder, Mr. Murty’s take on education system in India and abroad

Firstly, let us compare two topmost management examinations - GMAT and CAT. If you look at GMAT, it is an exam of selection whereas CAT is an exam of elimination. 60 to 70 percentile in GMAT will get you an admission in a good college abroad. Here in India, students scoring below 90 percentile in CAT do not have a great chance to make it to the top colleges, let alone IIMs.

Many top B schools in the world ensure experiential learning with case studies, projects, workshops, presentations, internships, global opportunities, and seminars. Currently, the top Indian Institutes are also moving in the same direction. The Management Programs will move more in that direction with a blend of hands-on-learning and classroom lectures. Global Immersions, International Exchange Programs, Guest Lecturers from Top Colleges Abroad and a high component of advanced technology in the curriculum are going to be the order of the day for top B Schools in the future.

Qualities which helped in creating a brand name for Woxsen Schools

Woxsen Schools is a brand because of Mr. Veen Pula’s ambition and desire to create a conglomerate world-class institute in various disciplines in Hyderabad. He thoroughly believes in his dream, which is fast becoming ‘a-dream-come-true’ for him and for us as well. I can proudly say that he is the PRIME MOVER foR Woxsen and Woxanites.

Leadership philosophy that took the B-school reach such great heights

We have a strong belief that leadership is an act of leading a group of people/ a team in the right direction. It is not a one-man army work. Each person associated with our institution is treated equally and with due respect. Just to give an example, we all eat at the same place and stay at the same place and we mix very well. Leadership is togetherness and working with the people.

Check Woxsen School of Business Faculty

Woxsen’s promise for a shining future

We have been identified in the industry, today, for our quality education and our unique ways to make our students industry-ready, because of which several organizations/ companies participate in our prestigious recruitment drives. We have an exclusive placement department to cater to the needs of the students and we constantly seek prospective companies. This helps both the parties i.e. students and the recruiters to keep each other updated with the ongoing requirements and trends.

Goals in mind to make Woxsen School the Ideal School of tomorrow

Currently, we want to initiate a world-class infrastructure for all the colleges that we have. The Council of Architecture and the JNAFAU have accorded approval to start aa Architecture College and the Woxsen School of Architecture and Planning is all set to admit students for the 2019-20 academic session. Woxsen School of Arts and Design is one of the very few colleges in the entire country to have been accredited by the AICTE for awarding 4-year B Designing programs. The BBA, BSc (Computer Science and Game Design) are all set to start, pending approval from the Government. We have aspirations to establish the best Architecture College, the best Law School in India and to make the Woxsen School of Business as one of the top 20 FT ranked Schools in the world and to have the Triple Crown accreditation as soon as possible and not later than 2025.

Message for the millennials planning to enroll in Woxsen

A piece of simple advice - Always believe in yourself and start working on your goals consistently. The world is so competitive today and unless one believes that he/she can make it, they cannot make it. So, you have to believe in yourself and then work towards the goals. Keep on changing the goals once you achieve the existing ones and raise the bar higher. Smart work is good but there is no replacement for hard work and long hours. Stay healthy. Stay fit. There are galore of opportunities. Grab with both hands.