Dr. Saket Kumar Singh has been working as the Principal of Madhav Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Sirohi, Rajasthan. He has done BHMS in 2004 from Amravati University and MD(Hom. Paed) in 2007 from Sant Gadge Amravati University as part of his academics. 

Madhav University

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

Being in the education sector, I need to continuously upgrade my knowledge to properly shape young talents for the medical field and offer the finest quality education to students. Apart from this, I get abundant opportunities to contribute in the healthcare sector by making my students competent to serve society people. Lastly, there are limitless research opportunities for you to explore when you are associated with the medical domain. So I believe all these factors together have helped to stay connected with the education sector. 

Being the Principal of college, what is your philosophy of leadership?

In my viewpoint, a true leader is the one who takes everyone together and sets the highest ethical standards through his work and behavior. Also the leader has a moral and motivating tone when he interacts with his team and people of different mindset and skills. Apart from this, a leader never forgets to take his staff's opinions and inputs while making any major decisions and always listens to them carefully. And the main characteristic of a leader is that he stands firmly with his team not only during happy moments but also at the time of a crisis and an integrated work approach ensures maximum productivity to achieve shared goals. Hence a leader always provides equal learning opportunities to each team member and makes best use of available resources to fulfill everyone's objectives. 

Which factors and unique practices make the programs of your college a best fit for students?

Our programs are structured and acknowledged by the National Commission for Homeopathy. And the main focus of our Undergraduate programs is to develop the required knowledge, skills, abilities and confidence in students and make them competent Homeopathic practitioners so that they can serve the society and address healthcare needs of people in a holistic manner.

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How has the world of Homeopathy changed since last decade and what research is going on in homeopathic sciences?

There has been a remarkable change in the world of Homeopathy since last decade under the esteem guidance of CCRH which is a government organization undertaking research in Homoeopathy. Also, CCRH has recently collaborated with many Homeopathic colleges and other research institutions and both NCH and CCRH are now looking at academic areas to formulate syllabus as per need of society and industries. 

What development according to you are necessary to increase the demand of homeopathic practices in India?

I firmly believe that best quality education and clinical exposure should be provided to students. Apart from this, they should be encouraged for research work. Last but not the least, inclusion of Homeopathy at every level in the healthcare system is a must to ensure the homeopathic practices are given proper importance.

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When you first joined Madhav University, what was your vision for it and how far have you come in implementing them?

My aim when I joined this amazing place was to implement the vision of the Ministry of AYUSH, CCRH and NCH in our college to give best quality clinical exposure to students, promote research and innovation opportunities in college, enhance creative thinking skills of students, implement national health policy and help institute achieve its short and long term goals. And due to our rigorous and sincere efforts in offering quality education to students and making them aware of the best healthcare practices, we have been acknowledged by CCRH during COVID time.

Any suggestions that you would like to give to the current youth and aspiring students?

I would like to advise my dear and ambitious students that hardwork is the key to success. Hence never be afraid of doing hard work. And stay focused and dedicated toward your life goals.