A Mohan Sai Story

Mohan Sai is a PGDM student at MDI Murshidabad and was able to successfully convert MDI Murshidabad with a CAT score of 83 percentile. He completed his graduation from MCKV Institute of engineering with a 74.4 %. He also has work experience at JP Research Pvt Ltd.

A Mohan Sai Profile

  • Current institute: Management Development Institute, Murshidabad
  • Graduation College: MCKV Institute of engineering
  • CAT score: 83
  • 10th Percentage / GPA: 86
  • 12th Percentage / GPA: 79
  • Graduation Percentage/GPA: 74.4
  • Work Experience: JP Research Pvt Ltd

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Admission Experience

Did you avail of the benefit of any reservation?

A Mohan Sai: “General (No reservation)”

Describe the general setting of WAT / GD (if any)?

A Mohan Sai: “I had faced GD as a selection process. I faced a group of 8 aspiring students with 2 panelists. The topic was announced and then the students were given 2 min toh think about the topic and they could also write on their sheet of paper. After the alloted time. Each one was asked to speak about the topic without any intervention. After each student spoke. The moderator asked to put across or cross question the other students on the points which they had earlier spoken about.”

What was the WAT / GD Topic?

A Mohan Sai: "my topic was: Should CSR be made mandatory in India”

What were your answer/points put forward for the WAT or GD respectively? 

A Mohan Sai: “I had jotted down 4 basic points on how to proceed in the time given.

1. to tell a oneliner abour CSR i.e. corporate social responsibility.

2. how it should NOT be mandatory because there are huge no. of MSME's in India who are struggling to enter the market.

3. But the high revenue generator should be forced to pay for CSR as they can easily afford that.

4. i thought of giving an example of Tata Steel for their hight quality CSR activities which make them one of the best places to work.”

Describe the general setting of your personal Interview.

A Mohan Sai: “Just after the GD i eas called for the personal interview. I had 2 panelist waiting for me to enter and both were faculty of the college. The interview was conducted in offline mode for 10 minutes for me and it was not a stress interview. T he panelist had a warm aura which made me comfortable. (tip: to stay cool. while entering the room always greet the panelist with a smile. keep eye contact which shows that you are confident)”

Check Management Development Institute, Murshidabad Admission Process

Mention at least 5 interview questions that were asked to you and your responses to each of them. 

A Mohan Sai: “The interview started with a small introduction about myself. (tip: always cover as much of time in intro as possible) i spent 4-5 mins of intro as i had work experience so i took the time to explain my work and expertise elaborately. I was then asked about why do you want to be in this college and a broader question why MBA. I answered this with my interest to learn about the buisness face of an organisation after working in the technical field for 2 years. (tip: Try being to be more confident rather than being right)”

Mention 3 reasons why you chose this college over other colleges which you converted (OR if you did not join this college after converting it, mention 3 reasons for not joining it).

A Mohan Sai: “I did not apply for any other colleges. My story is a bit different as i was preparing for MBA while i was working. so my target was to get a above average score and an above average college. I did not have 100% surity wheather i will persue MBA if i did not get good score. i thought of continuing with my previous job. So after i applied to MDI then i thought to myself either i am in or not.”

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What was the reason for you not converting to other colleges?

A Mohan Sai: “I did not apply for any colleges other than MDI Murshidabad. So one should not follow this. Try applying for colleges with better record. so that your are open to options and if you have a bad review to any one college then you can safely fallback to another one as you have kept your options open.”

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