Rev.Dr. Johnson X. Palackappillil CMI is the Principal at Sacred Heart College, Thevara, and Kerala. He has been associated with the education sector for a considerable amount of time. Having a penchant for education and grooming young minds, keeps him connected with this sector. Read here what he has to say in his interview
Have you introduced any new programs at your college?
“Providing an environment for animation enthusiasts to grow and explore their talent”
We introduced BA Animation and Visual Effects. This is a new branching off of our Animation program under communication school. The students showing some artistic talent are chosen through an entrance test and an aptitude assessment. They are introduced to VFX and the training should help the students to be freelance experts or as a stepping stone into the world of movies.
What is your philosophy of leadership? How do you describe your leadership style?
“Giving autonomy to the departments and trusting their decisions”
I believe in participatory leadership and prefer that individuals are included to the extent possible. The principle of subsidiarity is adhered to. I believe that holding meetings with all stakeholders, though time-consuming that may be, is very important and helps in sorting out issues with the various views brought to the forum. And I firmly believe that academia (students, faculty, and the institutions) have a great responsibility towards society and ought to fulfill that through their primary mandate of learning, research, building up knowledge, and disseminating the same; side by side, reaching out to the people and the land, translating what is learned in the classrooms and labs into action for increasing commonweal.
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What are some of the biggest challenges you see, both for higher education in general and Sacred Heart College, Thevara specifically?
“Rising above the spoon-feeding level prevalent in the education system”
Bringing in academic rigor at the UG-PG education in the country. We have to grow from the banking model to the knowledge creation model, drastically rehaul the pedagogy from teaching to learning mode, instilling a taste and mind for research (a spirit of inquiry), integrating education for life (making ethically right choices) with the college curriculum, making education extend to the community (extension). We aim at helping students to go beyond the text and reach out to the context making the world a better place. Also, making the education system free, and self-responsible, with minimum interference from our university and the state as such.
What would you like people to know about your college they may not know?
“Not letting the student’s economic background decide their future”
Our policies to promote student/staff and research development. No student should be deprived of education on account of the lack of fees. Intramural funding for research fellowships (MRPs)
All students under accident claim insurance cover – including cover against the death or incapacitation of the earning parent so that the education needs could be comfortably taken care of.
How does the curriculum of Sacred Heart College, Thevara ensure the best practice of industry?
“Opportunities to interact with industry personnel”
Our advisory board, academic council, and each of our Boards of Studies have a reasonable number of eminent people from the industry and business fields who guide us on the inputs for the timely and periodic update. The internship is being gradually introduced into almost all programs to ensure hands-on business and industry experience for the students. Frequent interaction with people running businesses is also organized.
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With the competition so high, how do you guide your students to survive in such a competitive scenario?
“Taking the curriculum outside textbooks”
Creating a mental framework for adaptive learning, flexibility, and multi-tasking, by involving them in varied fields of activities – organizing fests and events, encouraging entrepreneurship, organizing of guest lectures and study tours/visits, involvement in and management of cultural competitions, reaching out to the community through extension and service-learning projects, club activities for talent development and social service, soft skill training, etc.