Dr.R.H.Barin Banu is Head of the department and Assistant professor in Department of PG Commerce. She has done B.com in Information System Management. She published many Research Articles and published more books. She has wide knowledge application of marketing analysis and strategies and practices of Accounting in software, statistical packages for social science.
Throughout your professional career, you've held prominent roles at educational institutions. What are the primary ties that bind you to the education sector?
"Teaching and writing are my two greatest passions"
As I completed my Ph.D., I occasionally composed a book. I must maintain innovative teaching while focusing on the most fundamental interpretation of the word "Education."
What is your leadership philosophy now that you are in college? How would you describe your style of leadership?
"My leadership ideology is based on democratic principles. I believe that my strength as a leader is successful task delegation and team job completion"
I maintain constant manufacturer contact within my team. Therefore, my leadership style relies heavily on these qualities.
How do you, as the College, strategize for the Key initiatives and strategies for the marketing and administration of your institution?
"My strategy involves designing and redesigning websites"
Therefore, students will obtain updated information and respect for our intuition. When communicating, we create and retain the student's email address. We intend to conduct a programme for a large number of students. It will contribute to vast reaches.
The structure of the education systems in India and other countries is highly different. In your experience, what are the benefits of studying at Your institution for an international student?
I feel compelled to share my knowledge, as international students can benefit from strong character, financial flexibility with hostel facilities, and exposure to education at the community level. Our college has a robust placement programme, which has provided many students with a vast network.
How does the curriculum of our college ensure the best industry practices?
"We are to maintain student interest, create meaningful experiences, be resourceful, offer a route map, and promote conversation"
Our programme began to empower students everywhere to take control of their education and refocus humanity, hopes, and aspirations.
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What do you believe your tasks and responsibilities are towards the university and its students?
"I believe it is my task and responsibility to encourage students to acquire and analyse knowledge, generate new ideas, evolve, and develop into well-rounded individuals"
When they demonstrate talent, I require them to conduct themselves ethically in all they do, to work hard, to be involved and committed to their own achievement, to accomplish well, and to communicate effectively in oral and written communication.
What should be the University's major priority over the next decade, in your opinion?
"We anticipate a shift from a university-centric to a global level of education"
We require both world-class inspirational education and alternate modes of education. We will deliver education on the future of employment and exponential innovation. Except for memorization, students must acquire knowledge at the introductory level.
What would you like people to know about your college that they may not already know?
It's hard to be unfamiliar with our university. Because of this, they will be familiar with one of the oldest and largest universities in southern India. This university charges fees that are affordable for people of all socioeconomic backgrounds. Even for normal students, they offer the option of fee payment in instalments.
What are the College's biggest strengths in your opinion?
Our college's greatest strength is its good leadership style, job satisfaction, employees' welfare, good infrastructure, discipline, students' behaviour, job placement, monitoring campus with CCTV, access to a large network, a digital library, the production of rank holders and athletes, and a safe hostel.
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How can you develop healthy relationships and an environment at your institution?
"Our college fulfils the dreams of students who feel successful"
They give an excellent curriculum and skill-based exercise. They must establish positive relationships and interactions with both pupils and parents. Building these relationships requires perspectives that include positive attitudes and beliefs, cultural and linguistic competence, and an awareness of students' needs and experiences.