I hail from Annamalai University and Pondicherry University holding a Degree of Ph.D., M.PHIL, and M.A in English Literature with an objective to be part of an Institution that creates Successful Individuals with a sense of Moral Values and hence became a Professor of the prestigious Institution Mohamed Sathak College of Arts and Science. I constantly engage in presenting papers and being a resource person in other reputed colleges which helps my Academic Career and impart and share my knowledge with others.

Mohamed Sathak College Of Arts And Science

What do you see as XYZ College’s greatest strengths?

"The students who hail from various diversifying Races, Religions, Sects, and orders are treated equally identified with only one image"

Our Institution has been following one of the important Principles in the Indian Constitution, which is Secularism and Social equality. Though the students hail from various diversifying Races, Religions, Sect, and orders they are treated equally and identified with only one image: The Children of Future India. I am much impressed with the impartial treatment enjoyed by the Students as well as the Staff. Besides, the institution also has keen observation of the wellness of every student and focuses more on His or Her personal growth.

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“The Youth of Today are not Useless, but Used Less"

Swami Chinmayanandha once said that “The Youth of Today are not Useless, but used Less". I agree with the Statement. The Youth of today are finding too many distractions and get easily drifted. The reason is, they don’t find valuable Projects, whether Minor or Major, which also engage their interest. There should be more Programmes designed to give them something Challenging and at the same time Interesting that would involve their unbroken focus on Factors of Healthy Concepts.

How do you tend to establish a healthy relationship and environment in your institute/ university?

"I believe that instead of Establishing an Authority the Leader should establish a bond with the Staff"

The Secret to creating and maintaining a healthy atmosphere is by Familiarizing ourselves with the Co staff. When we get to familiarize ourselves with their special skills and their way of working, we will be able to allow the Right Job to the Right person which would hasten the progress of the work. Besides, I believe that instead of Establishing Authority the Leader should establish a bond with the Staff. Because a reluctant worker might deliver half their effort under authority, but one who values the Bond with the Leader will produce the best of His or Her potential in the accomplishment. 

The education systems in India and other foreign countries are structured very differently. In your experience, what can an inbound student gain from studying here in your institute/ university/ school?

"The Students are exposed to various subjects which bear similarities with the contents of a Foreign University"

A student of our Institution is prone to study a Syllabus devised with a Standard on par with any other University. Yet, there are some modifications designed to suit the working nature, Culture, and Atmosphere of the Native region. The Students are exposed to various subjects which bear similarities with the contents of a Foreign University, but at the same time, they are also guided on apparent prospects in their practical application. 

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How does the curriculum of XYZ College or University ensure the best practice of industry?

"Special days are not only observed but also celebrated in the College"

The Institution has been quite observant of the Globally acclaimed Social, Cultural, Health based, and Courtesy practices. Such Special days are not only observed but also celebrated in the College or out of campus which creates awareness among the general public too. 

Any insights into how your university could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

"Economic backgrounds are taken into serious consideration"

As for the present atmosphere in the Institution, the object of Religion, Race and Economic backgrounds are only for the Academic Records, but those details are irrelevant to the identity of a Student as an individual. However, the Economic backgrounds are taken into serious consideration, while the management ensures that the student is made to avail the Financial benefits and related aspects.

What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the University and the students are?

"The role of the Teacher is to make the students acquainted with the Information and Facts"

As a Good teacher must, the role of the Teacher is to make the students acquainted with the Information and Facts, make them acquiesce to the Procedures and Orders, initiate ideas, and teach them to be creative. They must guide them and point the way, Yet make them accomplish tasks on their own and learn from their success as well as Mistakes. 

What do you think should be the University’s top priority over the next 10 years?

Acquisition of Knowledge about the disciplines of Science in progress. Getting updated with the Current Corporate procedures and the changing factors. 

When you first came to XYZ UNIVERSITY, what was your vision for the university? Has it evolved, and how far along in implementing that vision are you?

"As for the Change, it is the ever-changing factor"

My Vision was to watch, observe and learn the patterns of growth in the Academic sector and contribute my part to the same with alternative ideas. As for Change, it is an ever-changing factor. Hence, I have witnessed the transformation of the Academic and Operational functions tremendously keeping with the pace of the day-to-day upgrades in all major disciplines. 

What would you like people to know about your university they may not know?

The Institution is a grand Arena for Opportunities and where an individual’s Skill is honed to meet the Challenges, one is prone to in the future. 

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What are some of the biggest challenges you see, both for higher education in general and for XYZ University specifically?

"English knowledge is a major factor that determines the Fate of a Student in all Disciplines of Higher Education"

In my Observation, I have gathered that the aspects pertaining to Language make a huge difference in the Progress among students hailing from diversified denizens of the Society. Particularly their Vocabulary in English has created wide chasms in individual accomplishments with every discipline. In the Modern day Corporate scenario, English knowledge is a major factor that determines the Fate of a Student in all Disciplines of Higher Education. Imparting this Knowledge to all should be the Major Challenge. This is my humble opinion.