Dr. B.B. Mahto is the Head of Department & Assistant Professor at Marwari College. He has done B.A. from Bokaro College, M.A. and Ph.D from Ranchi University. He has a total teaching experience of 15 years.

Marwari College, Ranchi

What are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?

"To guide and teach them for their overall growth and development"

Being a vigilant and attentive professor toward my students, it is my responsibility to mentor and guides them toward the glorious tomorrow for them. And apart from teaching them about the particular subject topics, I also need to ensure their overall development in terms of personality, behaviour and communication.

What is your leadership philosophy?

"A good leader knows how to convert ideas into reality"

There are mainly two types of people around you, either you will follow someone or someone will follow you. You need to be innovative to be a leader. And what makes a leader different from others is that a leader cannot only generate new ideas but also possess the capability to turn them into reality. Lastly, a good leader is truly committed towards his work. 

What do you see as the college’s greatest strengths?

"Our college infrastructure and approach to teaching students"

There are many factors that actually play the most crucial role in making us strong and unique and those factors are listed below:

  • Individual attention and responsiveness.
  • Hands-on experience. 
  • Cooperative learning approach using the methodology of group discussion in classes.
  • Use of Integrating technology (slide presentation and PowerPoint, etc. 
  • Retake tests and Develop creativity through exploration (research, notebooks, hands-on).
  • An excellent library of training material for in-class and online.

What are the approaches you bring in apart from curriculum to teach students?

"We organize workshops, seminars and classroom discussions"

Since Economics is a very dynamic subject in itself, we keep our students updated with the current economic trend or issues in the Indian economy. We conduct seminars, and workshops and also encourage students to attend international webinars in order to enhance their subject knowledge. Be it the annual budget or the hike in petrol prices, daily discussions in class are a major source of information for the students in my department.

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How do you introduce a practical and industry-oriented approach towards subjects?

"By inviting regular expert talks with the support of industry experts"

In today’s world, management is one of the best education without any doubt. Hence to train our students, we try to give them as much practical exposure as possible on a regular basis by inviting experts from the corporate world to our campus to share their thoughts and experiences. And we also provide them with the best internship opportunities and industrial visits so that they can be made aware of how to work well in a corporate environment and utilize their skills too. 

What extracurricular activities are organized in college to enhance the skills of students?

"Committees of our college do conduct interactive sessions and online seminars"

Our university does have active committees to enhance the skill of our students and to expose them to real-world challenges. We conduct interactive sessions by inviting experts and industry professionals, who have subject knowledge from the corporate world. And we also organize online webinar classes with the support of International professionals where participation of students is compulsory. 

What was your vision for it and how are you trying to achieve the same?

"To contribute to the growth of the institute by enhancing my skills"

My only vision, while I joined this college, was to utilize my skills and experience for the growth and development of the institute, and to achieve something in life by exploring and challenging myself. From the day I joined the institute I've been working on myself every day. Learned from my seniors, my colleagues and even my students.

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How do you guide your students to survive in such a competitive world?

"Our faculty regularly encourage and motivate our students to be dedicative"

All the teaching faculties in our college are experienced and well qualified. They encourage our students to learn and enjoy their studies. We also motivate our students to achieve the most from their time during their classes.