Shri. Sunil Kulkarni is the chairman at Kolhapur institute of technology, KIT College of Engineering, Kolhapur. B.E Graduate passed in 1995, Running his own industry of manufacturing of automobile components, also a trustee of KIT since 1999 and also was secretary for 5 years.

Kolhapur institute of technology

Being the chairman what is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

"Eliminate back-and-forth, mistakes, and the need to redo tasks"

I think my strengths as a leader are effective delegation and communication. So my leadership style takes advantage of those strengths. I know about my goals and what I want to achieve. I always try to delegate tasks to whoever is best equipped to perform well in the task and achieve the goal, and I try to communicate clearly about what needs to be done, and why. This eliminates back-and-forth, mistakes, and the need to redo tasks. Taking more time to communicate effectively at the beginning of the project, and delegating properly, both end up saving time as a project advances.

Being the chairman how do you strategize about the key programs and plans for the marketing and administration of your school?

Redesign the Website, Improve the Search Engine Strategy, Build Email Workflows, Start a School Blog, Create the First Content Offer, Invest in Consistent, Meaningful Social Media Ads, Consolidate the Social Media Accounts, Invest More Time and Resources into Video, Use Social Media Platforms to Connect with the Audience, and Promote Safety.

What do you think should be the University’s top priority over the next 10 years?

The priorities for the upcoming years would be to have all well-qualified lecturers, Measure the Student Outcomes and Improve, Provide Opportunities to Learn something new and creative, Improve Teaching Methods, Introduce Innovative Infrastructure and Technology, and Continuous Quality Improvement.

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What would you like people to know about your university they may not know?

"The main important thing about our university that we provide SAFETY to everyone"

As we know all parents are worried about one thing that is their child’s SAFETY and that’s the main important thing about our university that we provide SAFETY for each and every child, then we provide Academic Support and Career Services, a brilliant Campus Life, all qualified lecturers, Discipline, Athletics and Extracurricular Activities Major and Minor Class Size, Cost and Fees are affordable with all the facilities, and the Location and Distance From Home. 

What do you think should be the University’s top priority over the next 10 years?

"Focus on Creating Spaces Where Students Can Come Together"

To Turn the Gym into a Recreation Center. Keeping the Campus Grounds Clean. Improving Campus Mail Services with Smart Parcel Lockers. Increase Parking. Creating a Sustainable Industry Ready Student. Focus on Creating Spaces Where Students Can Come Together. Go Green. These are some top priorities over the next 10 years.

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What would you like people to know about your university they may not know? 

"Class Sizes are big to ensure every student is comfortable while studying"

Perspective. The most important factor to know about our college is how the college makes you feel. Then there are various Internship Opportunities. The most important factor everyone is always concerned about is Safety. We always provide Academic Support and Career Services to each and every student of our college. Campus Life and Athletics and Extracurricular Activities for students to be fit. Our Class Sizes are big to ensure every student is comfortable while studying. 

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“There is nothing impossible for those who will try” 

I would like to tell all the youths and students that always think before they act. The simple but effective process of thought will help you avoid making critical mistakes that could cost you your freedom, education, or your life. Do not be a follower, be humble, Establish a set of values, and Maintain emotional stability. They should know that there’s no gain without pain. You have to work hard and smart to succeed in life. And last I would like to say.