JIT Borawan

Dr Atul Upadhyay is the Principal of JIT Borawan. He has been connected with the institution for over 14 years. He is a passionate educationist who wants to see quality education being imparted to the underprivileged sections of society. From the past 25 years he is serving technical education and hence achieved this success. Being the Principal of JIT he is also a member of ISTE, and also a board of study member of Rajiv Gandhi Prodhyogiki Vishwavidhyalaya and gracefully serving many more important positions in different areas.

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“My passion for this sector has always been the main reason”

I have been inclined towards the education sector since childhood. After completing my PhD, I was appointed as a lecturer at JIT Borawan. Since then, I was keen on bringing about significant changes. In the journey of a lecturer to being the principal of this institute, I have achieved a lot for myself and for the institute as well.

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

“A leader should always try to set examples to be followed”

In a real sense, leadership quality cannot be taught or learnt. It can only be refined with time. When one leads any institute, they need to be open in terms of ideas. Everyone should be treated equally. As people follow the leader, his/her workmanship should be in line with his personality. 

How do you strategize about the key programs and plans for the marketing and administration of your school?

“Proper planned out strategies aligned with the goals does the work”

What you see is what you buy. Thus, we focus a lot on mouth publicity. We have made a few practise to be followed. Currently engineering is in less demand. Here, we provide proper counselling of students before admissions. Our college is one of the oldest engineering colleges in Madhya Pradesh. Our greatest strength lies in good infrastructure, laboratories with full facilities, experienced faculties and natural environment. 

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How does the curriculum of JIT ensure the best practice of industry?

“A well-planned curriculum has ensured proper industry connect”

In the past 23 years, more than 6000 students have graduated from our college and are serving in top companies of the country. We always try to maintain a bridge between the college and industry. We maintain a relationship with college alumni and the institute. With time to time, we conduct industrial visits as well as expert talks to keep the students updated with the current scenario. 

Any insights into how your university could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

“Making quality education accessible to ones in need”

This institute was started with the objective of helping students who cannot afford this course. Since its inception, the institute has done every possible thing to achieve that goal. Also from time to time, financial support is provided to those who are in need of it. 

What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the University and the students are?

“To ensure that the students are getting nothing less than the best”

I have dedicated my whole life to this institute. I am not connected with this institute for paychecks but with an affinity towards this institute. Thats why for students and the institute creating synergy with the university is my topmost priority. Irrespective of the college location, it is my responsibility to provide every facility to the students studying here. 

What do you think should be the University’s top priority over the next 10 years?

“To be the best in what we do”

To note a few, here are the top priorities for the university in the coming years:

  • To make the institute top-notch in terms of technical education
  • To provide the students best in class education in line with the industry 
  • To motivate the students to get into research work in future

What would you like people to know about your university they may not know?

“The focus is on the overall wellbeing of students”

In today’s world youngsters have lots of opportunities but they lack focus. I have been providing ‘Art of Living’ courses for the past 2 years to the students to cope up with the stress. I have been receiving very positive response in the process. 

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Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“Go beyond academics and indulge in self-care often”

Today’s generation is looking for getting success without hard work, but my experience says that is absolutely not correct. Success has no shortcuts. Today not only a good job, a good degree, and a good lifestyle is enough but we need good health and pure vision as well. My suggestion to aspiring students is that with education one must be involved in mindfulness, which will help them in achieving an overall growth of oneself.