Dr. Mohammed Jameel Manik is the Director of Global Business School, Karnataka. He is a multi-faceted personality having 19 years of experience in the field of academics and research. He has also been connected to the industry for 3 years. His area of specialization is International Business and Marketing.
Being the director of Global business school, how would you describe your leadership style?
“I keep everyone included in my decision-making process”
The leader is not made of himself. A leader is made when a group of people believe in you and follow you. Before taking any major decision I consider the opinion of my colleagues and arrive at a decision that is good for the institute as a whole.
What are some plans that you’re currently (or will be) designing for GBS College of Education international affairs and/or students?
“Extending our reach to international universities”
We are aiming for NBA accreditation. As part of NBA accreditation, we need to have faculty exchange or student exchange programs. We are trying to connect with foreign universities for that purpose. The target universities are in Egypt and Indonesia.
How does the curriculum of GBS College of Education ensure the best practice of industry?
“Familiarizing the students with the real-life scenarios”
We follow the syllabus prescribed by the Karnataka University. We try to meet the industry norms by conducting semester wise projects. We call it project-based teaching. The market scenario is being explained in the classroom. Students are present with opportunities to apply what they have learnt in their classroom. This method helps the students as well as the teachers to update their knowledge and be relevant to the industry.
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Any insights into how your Institution could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?
“Complete financial aid to all the deserving students”
We do have scholarship especially for sports quota for students who have played either at the state level or national level. Meritorious students are also awarded a scholarship based on their merits. Financial assistance is also given to economically weaker students.
What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the college and the students are?
“Making sure that my students and members are satisfied with the working environment”
As head of the institute, I am devoted to the betterment of the institution being impartial to the students and management alike. My responsibility is to provide a proper infrastructure with sufficient facilities so that everyone can work comfortably. Amidst the pandemic, my role is to ensure that everyone is safe and proper measures are being taken when they come back to the institution.
What do you see as GBS greatest strengths?
“No communication gap between the students and the management”
The greatest strength of our institute is our management. At GBS, we have maintained a smooth communication channel with maximum transparency. Students can can share their problem with ease. This helps the students feel heard and included and it reflects in the end results.
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