Dr. Deepak has been working as the Head of Department at Yamuna Group of Institutions, Yamuna Nagar, Haryana. He is a GATE qualified individual with 14 years of experience in the Teaching field and his core competencies are Teaching & Mentoring, Student Management, Curriculum Designing, Examination and Performance Monitoring. He has done B. Tech and M. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering from Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology in 2007 and M.M.U Mullana in 2010 respectively along with a Diploma in Chemical Engineering from Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology in 2004 as part of his academics. He has vast knowledge in topics like Welding and Heat transfer, Basic Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics. He has also published 14 research papers in various International and National Journals and has administered 6 M. Tech students for their thesis submission. He has been recognized several times for his outstanding problem solving, team building and negotiation skills. 

Yamuna Group of Institutions

Which latest program are you offering in your institute to help students stand apart from the crowd?

"Our college is presently offering NPTEL certification courses to students"

We are offering the credit-based NPTEL (National Programme on Technical Enhanced Learning) programs to students to train them on latest technologies, tools and help them understand the theoretical concepts in a better way. 

Which factors make the programs of your college worth pursuing for students?

"The learning opportunities and training programs we offer to students makes each course worth pursuing"

We follow a blended teaching-learning model to educate students in order to groom them on both the personal and professional fronts. Another motive of this approach is to enhance their interaction with their respective faculties so that they know how important they are for us and how much effort we put in to make them successful in life.

What will you say are the best practices of courses that your institute is offering to students?

"Our education delivery models and hands-on training sessions we regularly organize are best parts of each course"

We firmly believe that only delivering theoretical knowledge to students is not enough and they should be provided with the best practical exposure and experiences in order to grow in their career and life. Therefore, hands-on training sessions and doubt solving classes are conducted by us as and when required. We also conduct a wide variety of experiments in laboratories to ensure they understand the real life applications of those concepts they are taught in classrooms.

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How do the programs of your college ensure the future preparedness of students?

"Training programs for students skills development and group discussions to improve their communication skills are organized by us"

We organize dedicated and customized skill development training programs, presentations and group discussions on current issues to improve the communication and interpersonal skills of students and these activities and events are conducted from 3rd semester onwards so that students could be made ready for the corporate world till the placement time comes. In addition to this, we train our students on the latest technologies and tools because along with amazing communication skills they need to be technically proficient to fit in this ever changing and cut-throat competitive world.

How did you train yourself and Department faculties to deliver the courses to students in the best possible way?

"Faculty Development Programs are arranged regularly by our college to upgrade faculties skills"

With the intention of upgrading faculty members skills and knowledge, our college conducts Faculty Development Programs, workshops and seminars from time to time. These sessions also help them to get an overview of the latest happenings, trends, expectations and standards of both the industrial and educational world.

How do you build a strong industry connection between your institute courses and industry expectations?

"By organizing professional visits and events to educate students and make them corporate ready"

For the purpose of building a strong connection between our institute courses and industrial demands, and also to make students ready, we regularly organize industrial visits for students depending on the Department they come from and during these visits they spend an entire day in reputed firms, learn about their processes and ways of working and prepare a detailed report about their learning.

What challenges have you faced while inculcating new programs in your curriculum? 

"Students unwillingness to learn things is the biggest hurdle in front of us"

The major challenge in front of us presently is that sometimes students show unwillingness to understand and learn the subjects which we teach to them and this ultimately reflects in their academic performances and also impacts our college reputation.

On what kinds of projects your students are currently working on under their respective courses?

"They are working on a wide variety of software as well as hardware based projects"

Our students are currently working on a wide variety of hardware and software-based research projects and our faculties provide full support and assistance to them whenever they get stuck somewhere.

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How does your department prepare students for higher education and placement?

"By regularly arranging guiding sessions to educate them about higher education courses and industries"

From the day students join us to pursue their dream courses, we regularly guide them with respect to skills they need to develop and career opportunities they will be having in their future as per their interests and passion. In addition to this, we guide them about higher education courses, its process and how they can prepare for it. Last but not the least, we are planning to arrange coaching classes for them for the GATE exam.